Debunking False Flags about Canadian Parliament and War Memorial Shootings in Ottawa

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Mick West

Staff member
I'm starting this thread while few details are known about the shootings in Ottawa, because it is inevitable that such a high profile shooting will give rise to theories that it was either a false flag attack - performed with the knowledge of some elite group to further some agenda - or it was entirely fake, some kind of media creation done with actors and video editing.

Already there are rumbling of this at Infowars:
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Soldier reportedly shot during incident at war memorial


Police pointed guns at journalists following a shooting at a war memorial in Ottawa during which a soldier was reportedly shot.

"Police have locked down Parliament and Ottawa Police tactical officers have arrived, pointing guns at journalists and ordering them to the ground. Journalists were put into lockdown at the foyer in front of the House of Commons," reports the Globe and Mail's Josh Wingrove.

Wingrove sardonically tweeted from the scene, "Ottawa police tactical officers are here and very kindly pointed their guns at every reporter, ordering hands in the air and us to ground."
Off course after multiple shootings by reportedly multiple gunmen the police would obviously be pointing guns at everyone until they had positively determined they were not involved. We are all familiar with images of students being led away from the site of a school shooting with their hands up. This does not mean the police are somehow trying to prevent the students from seeing something. It means they don't know if there's another shooter.

And yet somehow this aspect became the most important aspect of the story, indeed it's the ONLY aspect of the story currently mentioned on their web site.

The implication is quite clear. They are mentioning this now, so they can portray the incident as a false flag later, and simple list as one more line of "evidence", the "fact" that reporters were "held at gunpoint" - as if it's all part of the cover-up, instead of what it really is - standard (and quite sensible) procedure for an active shooter situation.
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It will fit in with the 'october surprise' meme which is attributed to any significant event that happens in october. I don't know the origin of it, but it seems to be a yearly thing now in internet conspiracy culture.

I spoke too soon. Now I do -
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In Americanpoliticaljargon, an October surprise is a news event deliberately created to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. presidency. The reference to the month of October is because the date for national elections (as well as many state and local elections) occurs between November 2 and 8, and therefore events that take place in late October have greater potential to influence the decisions of prospective voters.
I'm just trying to get both sides of the story. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, although I don't believe much of what the mainstream media dish out. Now, I wish someone could explain one thing to me about the famous video we have been shown thousands of time on every news outlet. Why is it that all of the police and security agents are lining the walls and hiding in the alcoves of the hallway while the camera man is filming while standing right in the middle of the hallway. First of all what was he doing there, journalist were not allowed to be in the building, second everybody that was in the building had been evacuated, and third, why, if the journalist had been permitted to stay for whatever unexplained reason, would security let him stand right in the line of fire? Please help me with this, it just doesn't make sense.
From what I understand he is a print journalist, Globe and Mail iirc, who took the video with his phone. If he simply was in the hall when police confronted the shooter he may not have had a clear path to leave and had to stay. People get trapped in such situations.
He is not standing in the middle of the hall, he is at the entrance of another hallway or alcove. That is evidenced by his ability to get out of the main hall in one step as soon as shooting starts.
It will fit in with the 'october surprise' meme which is attributed to any significant event that happens in october. I don't know the origin of it, but it seems to be a yearly thing now in internet conspiracy culture.
I don't know the original origin, but it was a media thing that referred to US presidential elections - if a candidate or reporter had a bombshell that could really hurt a candidate, they'd drop it in October without previous hints, because anything happening earlier had a way of being forgotten by November.
I'm just trying to get both sides of the story. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, although I don't believe much of what the mainstream media dish out. Now, I wish someone could explain one thing to me about the famous video we have been shown thousands of time on every news outlet. Why is it that all of the police and security agents are lining the walls and hiding in the alcoves of the hallway while the camera man is filming while standing right in the middle of the hallway. First of all what was he doing there, journalist were not allowed to be in the building, second everybody that was in the building had been evacuated, and third, why, if the journalist had been permitted to stay for whatever unexplained reason, would security let him stand right in the line of fire? Please help me with this, it just doesn't make sense.
I can explain it: Journalists are frequently dumbasses who will put themselves in harms way for an award. I've had to deal with embedded journalists in Iraq and Afghanistan and they are like trying to control a toddler who's drunk a six pack of Red Bull. They also have the same sense of entitlement that a sullen child would have....

Watch any riot on TV, the photographers are right there, frequently making the situation worse...
Seems like a lone wolf, not a jihad conspiracy or a false flag. The shooter carried a long gun; perfectly normal and legal in Canada. If a hand gun was involved it would indicate deeper connections and motives as these are fairly restricted.
I can explain it: Journalists are frequently dumbasses who will put themselves in harms way for an award. I've had to deal with embedded journalists in Iraq and Afghanistan and they are like trying to control a toddler who's drunk a six pack of Red Bull. They also have the same sense of entitlement that a sullen child would have....

Watch any riot on TV, the photographers are right there, frequently making the situation worse...

Sorry, toddlers are smarter than that; 18 year old's are smarter than that but will fight for their country if asked; the middle aged Sargent at Arms that shot the killer was smarter than that but did his duty with true bravery. The journalists we are talking about are 25-35 year old guys with too much testosterone and too few brain cells.
I live in Canada, and I already have "questions".

For starters, why did we find out the name of the shooter from CBS, and not the CBC?

"CBS News said the gunman has been identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian born in 1982, citing unnamed U.S. government sources.

The RCMP and Ottawa police have not made a statement on the gunman's identity.

"This is an ongoing joint police operation and there is no one in custody at this time," is how Ottawa police and the RCMP described their joint investigation."

Secondly, if he chose the war memorial as a "terrorsit" killing, then why didn't he wait a few weeks for our November 11th Rememberance Day? It would have been much more symbolic.

Thirdly, our Prime Minister Harper isn't the most popular to begin with, winning the last election with less than 50% of the vote, with accusations of election tampering.. robocalls coming from some company in the US. We have a new election next fall, and we want him out.. he's a dictator. This incident has already lead to fears that he's going to take away our freedoms, much like Bush did to you guys after 9/11. And of course, our public is already calling for blood against Muslims and Islamists. Harper wants to be a "War Prime Minister"... why else would he have bought all those fighter jets off you guys? We already have naval ships being built on the east coast, and soon to be on the west coast as well. The timing of this reeks.

Fourthly, if the shooter was an addict, homeless, living in a shelter, where did he get this rifle? If you truly are an addict, so poor you're living in a shelter... you sell everything you have for that next fix. Or steal to sell for that fix. That's all that matters... is that fix. They said he was a crackhead... that's all they ever think about. And judging by his picture, he looked like he was eating quite healthy for a crackhead, or anyone "homeless" for that matter. I live near a shelter.. I see it everyday.

There's something else to this story that you didn't pick up on yet, it happened a few days before this shooting, and they're calling it a terrorst attack as well. A "newly converted to Islam" suspect parked his car for 2 hours, then ran down 2 soldiers, killing 1 of them. So obviously, they're saying the 2 incidents are related.

And there's also our "long gun registry" that Harper's been pushing, but keeps getting shut down in the courts. Many people immediately thought that's what this was about.. a pissed off long gun owner. Either way, you know damn well his bill will pass this time. Especially if he calls martial law.

Personally, I think this was an orchestrated event.. part of the "strategy of tension", designed to make the public "demend" to be "kept safe" at whatever costs to our civil rights. We have the Chater of Rights and Freedoms up here that time and time again, has always had the courts behind us when it comes to Govenmental policies. Such as medical marijuana.. Harper's been fighting it since 2000, and even though the US is changing it's views and finally legalizing, Harper's still pushing the "reefer madness" campaign with ridiculous anti-marijuana ads, because both his opponents want to either legalize, or at least decriminalize. He already shut down the patient's abilty to produce their own, in lieu of these new BigBusiness growers, but the courts gave the patients an injunction.. something Harper's furious about. We have way too many personal rights up here... things are about to change.

And of course... they want to hit Syria next, right? Aren't they next on the original list of 7 Arab countries in 5 years that Bush and Co. had planned?

One other thing to digest... the RCMP have indeed been identified as provocateurs in at least one incident in our past.
Well, as for the CBS vs. CBC thing: What are Canada's laws regarding the media reporting false information? The US has pretty much legally inoculated our media if they make mistakes or even outright lie - all those people who lost jobs and apartments because TV or newspaper people playing amateur detective said they were the Boston Bomber had pretty much jack all recourse. There is no fact checking, only mindless reporting of whatever information can be found as fast as possible to be first one out and get the most views. If you screw up, you can retract it later, but you were still first and you still got that rush of viewers, and they can't unwatch that commercial break you got them to sit through.

Not all of the world works that way. Much of the world still has a fact checking process that at least involves calling a relevant agency and getting confirmation, rather shooting first and retracting later. If a source reveals a name, all of the media that's reporting, regardless of country, will have it pretty much at the same time. From there, an agency that confirms the name (or even just checks the spelling) will end up reporting it to the public later than one that has the script already and a talking head sitting in front of a camera just waiting for the [NAME HERE] blank to be filled in.
Personally, I think this was an orchestrated event

Seems like rather tenuous evidence. The US media reported his name first? He didn't plan well enough? He had a gun even though he was homeless?

These are all things that have multiple trivial answers. You can't just keep asking questions until you feel like you've got enough questions for a conspiracy. Especially when they are largely answered in the Wikipedia article,_Ottawa

Why didn't he plan better:
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An acquaintance recalled that he had "erratic" behaviour, he had said "the devil is after him", and was requested to stop attending mosque after upsetting religious elders. The acquaintance believed he was mentally ill.
How did he have a rifle?
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At the time of the attack Zehaf-Bibeau was prohibited from possessing or acquiring firearms.[2] His previous criminal code charges and convictions, history of drug abuse, and that he had no fixed address all would have prevented him from receiving a Canadian Firearms Licence.[2] This means that the weapon Zehaf-Bibeau used in his terrorist attack must have been acquired by "stealing it, buying it on the black market, or [acquiring it] either by someone unaware of his motives or an accomplice."[2]
Seems like rather tenuous evidence. The US media reported his name first? He didn't plan well enough? He had a gun even though he was homeless?

These are all things that have multiple trivial answers. You can't just keep asking questions until you feel like you've got enough questions for a conspiracy. Especially when they are largely answered in the Wikipedia article,_Ottawa

Why didn't he plan better:
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An acquaintance recalled that he had "erratic" behaviour, he had said "the devil is after him", and was requested to stop attending mosque after upsetting religious elders. The acquaintance believed he was mentally ill.
How did he have a rifle?
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At the time of the attack Zehaf-Bibeau was prohibited from possessing or acquiring firearms.[2] His previous criminal code charges and convictions, history of drug abuse, and that he had no fixed address all would have prevented him from receiving a Canadian Firearms Licence.[2] This means that the weapon Zehaf-Bibeau used in his terrorist attack must have been acquired by "stealing it, buying it on the black market, or [acquiring it] either by someone unaware of his motives or an accomplice."[2]

So how exactly does this make him an Islamic terrorist then? What you just quoted decribes a pissed off long gun owner, not someone affiliated with ISIS.. which is what's being portrayed up here.
...I think this was an orchestrated event.. part of the
"strategy of tension", designed to make the public "demend" to be "kept safe" at whatever costs to our civil rights. We have the Chater of Rights and Freedoms up here that time and time again, has always had the courts behind us when it comes to Govenmental policies.

Which seems more likely?

A) A secret "strategy of tension" that requires time, money & other lots of tightlipped co-conspirators

B) Some people have disturbed thought processes, and occasionally they get guns and act out

p.s. Personally, all the other little things--like CBS v. CBC--don't add up to a hill of beans, for me
So how exactly does this make him an Islamic terrorist then? What you just quoted decribes a pissed off long gun owner, not someone affiliated with ISIS.. which is what's being portrayed up here.

Maybe he's just a lone nut who likes ISIS?
Which seems more likely?

A) A secret "strategy of tension" that requires time, money & other lots of tightlipped co-conspirators

B) Some people have disturbed thought processes, and occasionally they get guns and act out

p.s. Personally, all the other little things--like CBS v. CBC--don't add up to a hill of beans, for me

Wow... now that was educational.

The "strategy of tension" has been well documented to have taken place in Europe from the 50's to at least the 90's. It was revealed in an Italian court that the CIA and NATO carried out bombings, killing civillians, then blaming it on the uprising Communist parties. Just google Operation Gladio.
Wow... now that was educational.

The "strategy of tension" has been well documented to have taken place in Europe from the 50's to at least the 90's. It was revealed in an Italian court that the CIA and NATO carried out bombings, killing civillians, then blaming it on the uprising Communist parties. Just google Operation Gladio.

I don't know you, or if you're just having or laugh, or genuinely believe that that Wikipedia article
supports your Canada theory (if you actually read the whole article, I'm guessing you're just going for a laugh)
but no, if that's your rationale for believing in a "strategy of tension" then I still find it entirely wanting.
So how exactly does this make him an Islamic terrorist then? What you just quoted decribes a pissed off long gun owner, not someone affiliated with ISIS.. which is what's being portrayed up here.
And there's also our "long gun registry" that Harper's been pushing, but keeps getting shut down in the courts. Many people immediately thought that's what this was about.. a pissed off long gun owner. Either way, you know damn well his bill will pass this time. Especially if he calls martial law.
You are aware that Harper scraped the long gun registry, that the Liberals brought in over a decade ago, effective two years ago, right?

There WAS a long gun registry, now there isnt. Except in Quebec
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Wait what? Are you claiming that because of this shooting, the Canadian government is considering imposing martial law?
The way Harper's been talking, huge changes are coming up for us. He's saying the incident a few days earlier, where the man ran down 2 soldiers, killing one of them, is related to the shooting. Canada's under attack in his eyes.
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