Debunking: Contrails normal only last a few seconds

Mick West

Staff member
I was watching this video with Michael J. Murphy:

He goes through the usual litany of debunked claims about the chemtrail theory. But one thing caught my attention, at 9:44 in the video:

MJM: Contrails do still occur, however contrails usually dissipate in a couple of seconds. It's exactly what, er, how the wording is, a "condensation trail". Aerosol trails are much different, they linger in the sky, as we discussed, for several hours, even several days

So it seems that Murphy thinks that because something forms by "condensation" then it cannot last more than a few seconds. He seems to be saying that airplane exhaust must be exactly like the only other form of condensation he's aware of, your breath on a cold day.

Of course this is total nonsense, ignoring both the science and history of contrails (not to mention just regular observation). But I really though it was interesting that his misconception might in part have been based on (or at least reinforced by) the name "condensation trail". It's like one day he found that the "con" in contrail was "condensation", and a lightbulb went off as he realized that this mean the long last trails were not contrail.

That video is a year old. He's had to defend his position a few time since. I wonder if he still holds this same misconception. It's really interesting that he's put so much time into the topic, and yet has totally failed to learn anything about contrails.