Debunked: Unmarked "Chemtrail Sprayer" over San Francisco [Marked A380]

Mick West

Staff member
This video by Patrick Roddie has the description: "Close up of unmarked chemtrail sprayer over San Francisco, 12-30-13 "

At 1:00 into the video, there's a fairly clear shot


Contrast enhanced, there's a clear marking on the wing to the pilot's left (right on the photo).

Compare to a similar photos of a (marked) A380:

Or this one (different plane)

Conclusion: It's just an ordinary A380, with the number in the usual place, and standard body and grey wings underneath. You can't see the side or the vertical stabilizer. Nothing "unmarked" about it.

Given the more central placement of the number, and the slight cyan blue coloration on the sides and tail, I'd say it matches this Korean Air A380 HL7613 (or similar) quite well. I took this photo April 28th 2013, in Los Angeles.
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Thanks, that looks like it. Departed Los Angeles, 11:21AM PST. Flying overhead in SF around noon.


Google Earth Track Attached. It was at 34,000ft over SF.

From the video:

And roughly the same viewpoint of the track in Google Earth.

The contrail does not match the track (it never does) because it has been blow away from it. So the contrail is always at a bit of an angle to the actual track.


Good job Mick.

You appear to be one who is actively debunking the notions of chemtrails
on the ground, internet, and in the sky. With a whole lot of effort.

Just curious....
Cuz I did see that pic you took of the(a) plane.

What's your camera setup and how much time do you put into it?

Are you taking stock photos of planes or out there in L.A. trying to strictly
take pictures that may be useful for debunking?
Good job Mick.

You appear to be one who is actively debunking the notions of chemtrails
on the ground, internet, and in the sky. With a whole lot of effort.

Just curious....
Cuz I did see that pic you took of the(a) plane.

What's your camera setup and how much time do you put into it?

Are you taking stock photos of planes or out there in L.A. trying to strictly
take pictures that may be useful for debunking?

I've got a Canon 7D, and 500mm Sigma zoom lens. Photography is a hobby of mine. I take pictures of planes just for fun, in addition to their useful educational purpose.

You can get very good photos of planes with just a 50x optical zoom though, like on the Canon SX50.