David Ridlen
1. The flat Earth. Nothing debunks the flat Earth model like seeing it in action (duration 3m22s)-
2. The tidal locked Moon. According to flat Earth consensus, the Moon circles 3,000 miles above a flat Earth. In which case we would have to see every side of the Moon each day, and the phases would cycle every 24 hours. Example illustration-
On flat earth, Africans could simultaneously see the opposite side of the Moon from South Americans. And when the Moon is over the same time zone as Quebec, Canadians above the Tropic of Cancer would see the front of a nearly full moon, while Chileans in the same time zone below the Tropic of Capricorn would simultaneously see the dark backside of the Moon. But here in reality, we all only ever see the same side of the Moon, with an insignificant change in orbital viewing angle because it is 238,900 miles away. This point alone is an irrefutable debunk of flat Earth.
3. Star Trails. If Earth is flat, how can billions of people see two different sets of constellations rotating in opposite directions, around two opposite poles? How can people in the southern hemisphere essentially stand in a circle with their backs to each other, and all be facing the same southern constellation? Illustration-
Anyone in the Southern Hemisphere may observe how stars rotate clockwise around the South Celestial Pole, where Polaris, Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Cassiopeia are absent - while anyone in the Northern Hemispshere sees stars rotating counter-clockwise around the North Celestial Pole, where Crux, Centaurus, and Carina are absent - On flat Earth, it is geometrically impossible to see these two completely different skies, rotating in opposing directions around two different poles.
Google "star trails" to see thousands of photo and video examples from around the world, and the star rotation direction always corresponds with the polar hemisphere. From the Equator, you can see stars rotating simultaneously around both, opposite poles. Here is a 360 degree panoramic timelapse showing stars simultaneously rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise-
4. Earth bulge. Anyone may observe Earth curvature at sea level depthwise (going away from you) by viewing thru a telephoto/zoom which greatly flattens depth. It is why Toronto appears hundreds of feet below sea level from across Lake Ontario-
Chicago appears hundreds of feet below Lake Michigan-
The CN Tower appears over 600 feet below lake Ontario-
For thousands of years, humans have observed that all ships sailing over horizon always disappear bottom first -
If you think this was cheated by "editing," here is an uncut example-
And _no, "perspective" has nothing to do with objects appearing to sink below sea level. Perspective merely means that objects appear smaller and closer together with distance, and will not cause bottoms of distant objects to appear to flatten into nothing near horizon. "Parallax" is why objects may appear to slide up and down behind the horizon, as a result of changes in viewing angle, which only proves Earth curvature. On a flat Earth, there is no reason for a calm sea level to appear to rise up hundreds of feet between observer and a target. Animated illustration-
And no, increasing magnification will not ccontribute to a parallax shift, because there is no change in physical distance between observer and target. Magnification will only enlarge your view, and will not allow one to magically see behind the horizon. Here are photo examples of ships over horizon where increased magnification does not cause them to appear taller-
5. Sunsets. Billions of people observe the Sun set below horizon daily, like this - If this occurred on flat Earth, the entire world would be cast in darkness at the same second, and there could be no time zones.
6. No accurate flat earth map. If Earth were relatively 2-dimensional geometry, then well-established geographical dimensions should appear proportionately correct on a 2-dimensional map. But they do not at all. The flat Earth map grossly distorts continents, and inexplicably stretches longitude and latitude lines to fit. Russia is known to be 6,000 miles long, and Australia is about 2,500 miles long, but on the flat map, Australia is as large as Russia! How would you account for this discrepancy? Here is a flat Earth map with continental dimensions preserved- https://wharferj.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/dymaxion-map-large1.png It is geometrically impossible to accurately fit Earth geography into a 2D disc shape, because Earth is a sphere. It is like trying to make a deflated basketball lay flat with all of the skin facing up.
7. Flight durations. Already discussed. Even a former flat Earth advocate admitted Earth cant be flat due to polar flights from Johannesburg to Sydney travel time of 12 hours- and he commendably deleted all his flat Earth vids.
The same flight distance on flat Earth would take FIVE times longer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myBcAUAtF34
8. The ice wall of doom! Anyone may book a flight to or over Antarctica, just as tens of thousands of people do annually.
A380 takes the polar route to Sydney. http://videos.airbus.com/video/iLyROoafIlXu.html *"The crew takes in spectacular views of Antarctica"*
Antarctica tourism and South Pole flights - http://www.adventure-network.com/
Antarctica flights- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZVFan7jL80&feature=youtu.be
Tours in The Antarctic http://www.lonelyplanet.com/antarctica/tours
"over 45 thousand people visited Antarctica during the recent Argentine summer: it's a seven times growth in the last 16 years. " (2009)
Discover Antarctica http://www.hurtigruten.com/us/explorer-voyages/antarctica/
Antarctica Voyages- http://www.hollandamerica.com/cruise-destinations/grand-south-voyages-cruise
"A complete circumnavigation, from Incan empires to Brazilian beaches, icy Antarctica to the steamy Amazon — all roundtrip from Ft. Lauderdale aboard ms Prinsendam."
Best Antarctica Cruises http://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=1327
*Tourism in Antarctica* - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Antarctica
Antarctica flights- http://www.antarcticaflights.com.au/
First skiers in Antarctica- http://www.explorersweb.com/polar/news.php?url=south-pole-update_1415554800
U.S. Department of State- Open Skies Treaty- http://www.state.gov/t/avc/trty/102337.htm
"...is one of the most wide-ranging international efforts to date promoting openness and transparency of military forces and activities. "
Antarctic Treaty System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Treaty_System "establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent. " "in the interests of all mankind that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord."
http://www.usap.gov/jobsAndOpportunities/ the USAP deploys roughly 3,000 people to Antarctica every year to conduct scientific research, or provide support to researchers through the operation and maintenance of the research stations and vessels.
Jobs in Antarctica- http://www.coolantarctica.com/Community/find_a_job_in_antarctica.php
9. Space travel. All space travel must be fake. Debunked in my video (linked to start at 7:41)- https://youtu.be/_YzeGRFDIms?t=461 The interior Skylab footage at 9:32 is irrefutable evidence of astronauts weightless in space. Wires could not possibly accommodate their intertwining motion without becoming tangled, the shot is too long to take place in a diving plane where reduced gravity only lasts 25 seconds, and this was the cutting edge of photoreal computer animation in 1972- https://vimeo.com/16292363 Therefore astronauts have traveled into space.
10 illustrated disproofs of flat Earth by Astrobrant2. http://s813.photobucket.com/user/astrobrant2/library/Disproofs of Flat Earth?sort=6&page=1
11. List of historic circumnavigations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_circumnavigations
12. More meteors seen after midnight because your local part of the Earth is facing the direction of its orbital motion around the Sun http://www.astronomynotes.com/solfluf/s3.htm
13. Implausibly mammoth conspiracy requiring involvement of over 50 space agencies around the world, and every news agency, all telecommunications companies, and shipping companies, and universities, and millions of dedicated professional physicists, engineers, meteorologists, pilots, navigators, oceanographers, cartographers, are all lying, bribed or threatened into participating in a global super conspiracy of the last century, along with their families, without any clear motive, and without a single leak or whistle blower, not one single, deathbed confession or drunken admission ever.
14. Coriolis Effect. There would have to be an awful lot of confused experts.
FIELD ARTILLERY, VOL 6, BALLISTICS AND AMMUNITION http://www.uscrow.org/downloads/Ammunition-Guides/Ballistics-and-Ammunition.pdf"The next important factor in drift is *Coriolis acceleration.* ... It would be present if the projectile were fired in a vacuum. It does, however, depend on the latitude and gearing of the gun and on its range. Its effect is opposite north and south of the equator. For long range guns it is sometimes almost as great as the gyroscopic effect."
Marine Corps Manual- Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery- "Deviations From Standard Conditions. - *Rotation of the earth."* http://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/docs/fm6-40-ch3.htm
*Modern Exterior Ballistics* (McCoy, Robert [1999]) _a comprehensive text covering the basic free flight dynamics of symmetric projectiles._
Coriolis effect of a 7.62mm Ball M80 Bullet.
500 yards - .6 inches
1000 yards - 2.8 in
1500 yards - 7.6 in
2000 yards - 15.9 in
"The basic principles of ballistic science are developed from a comprehensive definition of the aerodynamic forces that control the flight dynamics of symmetric projectiles. The author carefully starts with the basic vacuum point mass trajectory, adds the effects of drag, discusses the action of winds, simple flat fire approximations, *Coriolis effects* and concludes with the classic modified point mass trajectories."
The Paris Gun - "The distance was so far that the Coriolis effect — the *rotation of the Earth* — was substantial enough to affect trajectory calculations." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Gun
INS for Guided Missile Systems - http://techdigest.jhuapl.edu/TD/td2804/Bezick.pdf Pg 2 "Moreover,the desired navigation solution typically is formed relative to a second, *rotating Earth-centered* Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate frame, (ie, je, ke), having angular velocity ie, relative to the inertial frame. If the position vector of the missile, r, over the Earth's surface is desired (latitude, longitude, and altitude), then a model for the ellipsoidal shape of the Earth's surface must be used.
Nat Geo Encyclopedia on Coriolis- "Military aircraft and missile-control technology must calculate the *Coriolis effect* for similar reasons. The target of an air raid could be missed entirely, and innocent people and civilian structures could be damaged. " http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/coriolis-effect/?ar_a=1
From Principles of Guided Missiles and Nuclear Weapons - "The CORIOLIS FORCE must also be compensated for. It is *caused by the earth's rotation,* and tends to deflect a missile to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere." http://archive.hnsa.org/doc/missile/index.htm "The amount of deviation produced by the *coriolis force* depends on the latitude, length, and direction of the missile flight. "
Arms Guide, "Coriolis effect affects everything not firmly attached to the Earth's surface." , "the vertical component of the trajectory is called Eötvös Effect. " - http://thearmsguide.com/5329/external-ballistics-the-coriolis-effect-6-theory-section/
Long Range Shooters "Coriolis makes the projectile appear to curve" - http://longrangeshooter.com/2008/05/coriolis-effect/
Applied Ballistics, "There are horizontal and vertical components to Coriolis acceleration." - http://www.appliedballisticsllc.com/spindrift.html
Ballistics calculators that incorporate coriolis must be wrong? - at JBM, http://www.jbmballistics.com/ballistics/calculators/calculators.shtml
Gunwerks, lang range ballistics manufacturer and instruction (in my video)- http://www.gunwerks.com/Long-Range-University/Videos/Long-Range-Ballistics-Videos
An airplane's Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) "must continually correct for a plane's tendency to drift off course because of _Earth's rotational acceleration,_ a consequence of the so-called _Coriolis force."_ From *Inertial Navigation And Flight* - http://science.jrank.org/pages/3581/Inertial-Guidance-Inertial-navigation-flight.html
From Newton's Laws Applied to Navigation - "A firm understanding of four concepts is required to obtain (velocity) from Newton's Laws: gravity, attitude, Earth-referenced velocity and the _Coriolis theorem."_ https://books.google.com/books?id=44aF0_rp49AC&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq=inertial+navigation+system+earth+coriolis&source=bl&ots=KHhbZgZryX&sig=jMWsrDOhIoQK0z2K-orFs5C3lkM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEgQ6AEwB2oVChMIk-C5qq-ExgIVTFuICh1PogAv#v=onepage&q=inertial navigation system earth coriolis&f=false
And from Institude of Flight System Dynamics - "In a sequential process of levelling and gyro compassing the initial orientation could be derived, when the Earth's rate of _rotation_ can be sufficiently resolved..." http://www.fsd.mw.tum.de/research/sensors-data-fusion-and-navigation/inertial-navigation/
Wind patterns have _everything_ to do with coriolis effect, illustrated here- https://youtu.be/RT6WwNmDfEQ?t=396 Flat Earth theory has no explanation for trade winds, westerlies and easterlies- http://www.weatherwizkids.com/globalcirculation.gif
" In meteorology, the horizontal component of the Coriolis force is of primary importance, "
American Meteorological Society- "The Coriolis force is defined as always acting perpendicular to the direction of motion; to the right in the Northern Hemisphere to explain rightward turning, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere to describe leftward turning. It is all necessary *because Earth turns!"*
Hong Kong Observatory- "The apparent deflection of a moving air mass caused by the Earth's rotation is called the Coriolis effect." http://www.hko.gov.hk/education/edu01met/wxphe/ele_geostrophicwind_e.htm
Meteorology. By Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison -
"... in the midlatitudes, the Coriolis force is strong; thishas important implications for how we understand midlatitude weather." https://books.google.com/books?id=qWcrAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA186&lpg=PA186&dq=meteorology+coriolis&source=bl&ots=ZRA5-OutaD&sig=e6LQaXe049HYslMLDnHH2jhwqoU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2n-PVYi3JMOoogSy_ofICA&ved=0CEEQ6AEwCDgK#v=onepage&q=meteorology coriolis&f=false
Univ of Illinois- "As air moves from high to low pressure in the northern hemisphere, it is deflected to the right by the Coriolis force. " http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/fw/crls.rxml
"Each successive layer of water underneath is effected further by the Coriolis effect (but the foward movement of water is less) creating an Ekman spiral" http://science.kennesaw.edu/~jdirnber/oceanography/LecuturesOceanogr/LecCurrents/LecCurrents.html
"Winds drive surface currents in the ocean, and these currents are effected by the Coriolis effect. "
A Laboratory Demonstration of Coriolis Effects on Wind-Driven ocean currents- http://www.tos.org/oceanography/archive/21-2_beesley.pdf
Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science - https://books.google.com/books?id=Bjx-BAAAQBAJ&pg=PT257&lpg=PT257&dq=coriolis+effect+oceanography&source=bl&ots=TDsHYsixbT&sig=RoJW3JzYyq8suS0-vDzN_9sZd2s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8IKPVYinDY35oAS_8YZg&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=coriolis effect oceanography&f=false
geostrophic ("Earth turning") currents.
http://www.britannica.com/science/ocean-current/Geostrophic-currents "On a nonrotating Earth, water would be accelerated by a horizontal pressure gradient and would flow from high to low pressure. On the rotating Earth, however, the Coriolis force deflects the motion,"
Ocean in Motion: Geostrophic Flow Background-
"A balance develops between the Coriolis force and the force arising from the horizontal water pressure gradient such that surface currents flow parallel to the contours of elevation of sea level. This current is known as geostrophic flow."
Coriolis and Ekman Transport, Penn State Dept of Geosciences, https://www.e-education.psu.edu/earth540/content/c4_p3.html
TX A & M Univ- Geostrophic Equations- http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/ocng_textbook/chapter10/chapter10_02.htm
Cornell Univ- http://www.geo.cornell.edu/ocean/p_ocean/ppt_notes/15_GeostrophicCurrents.pdf "The force balance is between the centripetal force and Coriolis force"
Early Astronomer Described Coriolis Effect Centuries Before Coriolis
Explaining the Coriolis Effect on the Tethered Satellite
Orbital mechanics- http://physics.info/orbital-mechanics-1/
"Objects orbiting around L4 and L5 are stable because the Coriolis force keeps them spinning around the Lagrange point."
[Admin: Post copied from: https://www.metabunk.org/earth-curv...nts-debunking-flat-concave-earth.t6042/page-3 ]
2. The tidal locked Moon. According to flat Earth consensus, the Moon circles 3,000 miles above a flat Earth. In which case we would have to see every side of the Moon each day, and the phases would cycle every 24 hours. Example illustration-

On flat earth, Africans could simultaneously see the opposite side of the Moon from South Americans. And when the Moon is over the same time zone as Quebec, Canadians above the Tropic of Cancer would see the front of a nearly full moon, while Chileans in the same time zone below the Tropic of Capricorn would simultaneously see the dark backside of the Moon. But here in reality, we all only ever see the same side of the Moon, with an insignificant change in orbital viewing angle because it is 238,900 miles away. This point alone is an irrefutable debunk of flat Earth.
3. Star Trails. If Earth is flat, how can billions of people see two different sets of constellations rotating in opposite directions, around two opposite poles? How can people in the southern hemisphere essentially stand in a circle with their backs to each other, and all be facing the same southern constellation? Illustration-

Anyone in the Southern Hemisphere may observe how stars rotate clockwise around the South Celestial Pole, where Polaris, Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Cassiopeia are absent - while anyone in the Northern Hemispshere sees stars rotating counter-clockwise around the North Celestial Pole, where Crux, Centaurus, and Carina are absent - On flat Earth, it is geometrically impossible to see these two completely different skies, rotating in opposing directions around two different poles.
Google "star trails" to see thousands of photo and video examples from around the world, and the star rotation direction always corresponds with the polar hemisphere. From the Equator, you can see stars rotating simultaneously around both, opposite poles. Here is a 360 degree panoramic timelapse showing stars simultaneously rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise-
4. Earth bulge. Anyone may observe Earth curvature at sea level depthwise (going away from you) by viewing thru a telephoto/zoom which greatly flattens depth. It is why Toronto appears hundreds of feet below sea level from across Lake Ontario-
Chicago appears hundreds of feet below Lake Michigan-

The CN Tower appears over 600 feet below lake Ontario-

For thousands of years, humans have observed that all ships sailing over horizon always disappear bottom first -
If you think this was cheated by "editing," here is an uncut example-
And _no, "perspective" has nothing to do with objects appearing to sink below sea level. Perspective merely means that objects appear smaller and closer together with distance, and will not cause bottoms of distant objects to appear to flatten into nothing near horizon. "Parallax" is why objects may appear to slide up and down behind the horizon, as a result of changes in viewing angle, which only proves Earth curvature. On a flat Earth, there is no reason for a calm sea level to appear to rise up hundreds of feet between observer and a target. Animated illustration-
And no, increasing magnification will not ccontribute to a parallax shift, because there is no change in physical distance between observer and target. Magnification will only enlarge your view, and will not allow one to magically see behind the horizon. Here are photo examples of ships over horizon where increased magnification does not cause them to appear taller-

5. Sunsets. Billions of people observe the Sun set below horizon daily, like this - If this occurred on flat Earth, the entire world would be cast in darkness at the same second, and there could be no time zones.
6. No accurate flat earth map. If Earth were relatively 2-dimensional geometry, then well-established geographical dimensions should appear proportionately correct on a 2-dimensional map. But they do not at all. The flat Earth map grossly distorts continents, and inexplicably stretches longitude and latitude lines to fit. Russia is known to be 6,000 miles long, and Australia is about 2,500 miles long, but on the flat map, Australia is as large as Russia! How would you account for this discrepancy? Here is a flat Earth map with continental dimensions preserved- https://wharferj.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/dymaxion-map-large1.png It is geometrically impossible to accurately fit Earth geography into a 2D disc shape, because Earth is a sphere. It is like trying to make a deflated basketball lay flat with all of the skin facing up.
7. Flight durations. Already discussed. Even a former flat Earth advocate admitted Earth cant be flat due to polar flights from Johannesburg to Sydney travel time of 12 hours- and he commendably deleted all his flat Earth vids.
The same flight distance on flat Earth would take FIVE times longer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myBcAUAtF34
8. The ice wall of doom! Anyone may book a flight to or over Antarctica, just as tens of thousands of people do annually.
A380 takes the polar route to Sydney. http://videos.airbus.com/video/iLyROoafIlXu.html *"The crew takes in spectacular views of Antarctica"*
Antarctica tourism and South Pole flights - http://www.adventure-network.com/
Antarctica flights- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZVFan7jL80&feature=youtu.be
Tours in The Antarctic http://www.lonelyplanet.com/antarctica/tours
"over 45 thousand people visited Antarctica during the recent Argentine summer: it's a seven times growth in the last 16 years. " (2009)
Discover Antarctica http://www.hurtigruten.com/us/explorer-voyages/antarctica/
Antarctica Voyages- http://www.hollandamerica.com/cruise-destinations/grand-south-voyages-cruise
"A complete circumnavigation, from Incan empires to Brazilian beaches, icy Antarctica to the steamy Amazon — all roundtrip from Ft. Lauderdale aboard ms Prinsendam."
Best Antarctica Cruises http://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=1327
*Tourism in Antarctica* - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Antarctica
Antarctica flights- http://www.antarcticaflights.com.au/
First skiers in Antarctica- http://www.explorersweb.com/polar/news.php?url=south-pole-update_1415554800
U.S. Department of State- Open Skies Treaty- http://www.state.gov/t/avc/trty/102337.htm
"...is one of the most wide-ranging international efforts to date promoting openness and transparency of military forces and activities. "
Antarctic Treaty System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Treaty_System "establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent. " "in the interests of all mankind that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord."
http://www.usap.gov/jobsAndOpportunities/ the USAP deploys roughly 3,000 people to Antarctica every year to conduct scientific research, or provide support to researchers through the operation and maintenance of the research stations and vessels.
Jobs in Antarctica- http://www.coolantarctica.com/Community/find_a_job_in_antarctica.php
9. Space travel. All space travel must be fake. Debunked in my video (linked to start at 7:41)- https://youtu.be/_YzeGRFDIms?t=461 The interior Skylab footage at 9:32 is irrefutable evidence of astronauts weightless in space. Wires could not possibly accommodate their intertwining motion without becoming tangled, the shot is too long to take place in a diving plane where reduced gravity only lasts 25 seconds, and this was the cutting edge of photoreal computer animation in 1972- https://vimeo.com/16292363 Therefore astronauts have traveled into space.
10 illustrated disproofs of flat Earth by Astrobrant2. http://s813.photobucket.com/user/astrobrant2/library/Disproofs of Flat Earth?sort=6&page=1
11. List of historic circumnavigations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_circumnavigations
12. More meteors seen after midnight because your local part of the Earth is facing the direction of its orbital motion around the Sun http://www.astronomynotes.com/solfluf/s3.htm
13. Implausibly mammoth conspiracy requiring involvement of over 50 space agencies around the world, and every news agency, all telecommunications companies, and shipping companies, and universities, and millions of dedicated professional physicists, engineers, meteorologists, pilots, navigators, oceanographers, cartographers, are all lying, bribed or threatened into participating in a global super conspiracy of the last century, along with their families, without any clear motive, and without a single leak or whistle blower, not one single, deathbed confession or drunken admission ever.
14. Coriolis Effect. There would have to be an awful lot of confused experts.
FIELD ARTILLERY, VOL 6, BALLISTICS AND AMMUNITION http://www.uscrow.org/downloads/Ammunition-Guides/Ballistics-and-Ammunition.pdf"The next important factor in drift is *Coriolis acceleration.* ... It would be present if the projectile were fired in a vacuum. It does, however, depend on the latitude and gearing of the gun and on its range. Its effect is opposite north and south of the equator. For long range guns it is sometimes almost as great as the gyroscopic effect."
Marine Corps Manual- Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery- "Deviations From Standard Conditions. - *Rotation of the earth."* http://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/docs/fm6-40-ch3.htm
*Modern Exterior Ballistics* (McCoy, Robert [1999]) _a comprehensive text covering the basic free flight dynamics of symmetric projectiles._
Coriolis effect of a 7.62mm Ball M80 Bullet.
500 yards - .6 inches
1000 yards - 2.8 in
1500 yards - 7.6 in
2000 yards - 15.9 in
"The basic principles of ballistic science are developed from a comprehensive definition of the aerodynamic forces that control the flight dynamics of symmetric projectiles. The author carefully starts with the basic vacuum point mass trajectory, adds the effects of drag, discusses the action of winds, simple flat fire approximations, *Coriolis effects* and concludes with the classic modified point mass trajectories."
The Paris Gun - "The distance was so far that the Coriolis effect — the *rotation of the Earth* — was substantial enough to affect trajectory calculations." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Gun
INS for Guided Missile Systems - http://techdigest.jhuapl.edu/TD/td2804/Bezick.pdf Pg 2 "Moreover,the desired navigation solution typically is formed relative to a second, *rotating Earth-centered* Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate frame, (ie, je, ke), having angular velocity ie, relative to the inertial frame. If the position vector of the missile, r, over the Earth's surface is desired (latitude, longitude, and altitude), then a model for the ellipsoidal shape of the Earth's surface must be used.
Nat Geo Encyclopedia on Coriolis- "Military aircraft and missile-control technology must calculate the *Coriolis effect* for similar reasons. The target of an air raid could be missed entirely, and innocent people and civilian structures could be damaged. " http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/coriolis-effect/?ar_a=1
From Principles of Guided Missiles and Nuclear Weapons - "The CORIOLIS FORCE must also be compensated for. It is *caused by the earth's rotation,* and tends to deflect a missile to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere." http://archive.hnsa.org/doc/missile/index.htm "The amount of deviation produced by the *coriolis force* depends on the latitude, length, and direction of the missile flight. "
Arms Guide, "Coriolis effect affects everything not firmly attached to the Earth's surface." , "the vertical component of the trajectory is called Eötvös Effect. " - http://thearmsguide.com/5329/external-ballistics-the-coriolis-effect-6-theory-section/
Long Range Shooters "Coriolis makes the projectile appear to curve" - http://longrangeshooter.com/2008/05/coriolis-effect/
Applied Ballistics, "There are horizontal and vertical components to Coriolis acceleration." - http://www.appliedballisticsllc.com/spindrift.html
Ballistics calculators that incorporate coriolis must be wrong? - at JBM, http://www.jbmballistics.com/ballistics/calculators/calculators.shtml
Gunwerks, lang range ballistics manufacturer and instruction (in my video)- http://www.gunwerks.com/Long-Range-University/Videos/Long-Range-Ballistics-Videos
An airplane's Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) "must continually correct for a plane's tendency to drift off course because of _Earth's rotational acceleration,_ a consequence of the so-called _Coriolis force."_ From *Inertial Navigation And Flight* - http://science.jrank.org/pages/3581/Inertial-Guidance-Inertial-navigation-flight.html
From Newton's Laws Applied to Navigation - "A firm understanding of four concepts is required to obtain (velocity) from Newton's Laws: gravity, attitude, Earth-referenced velocity and the _Coriolis theorem."_ https://books.google.com/books?id=44aF0_rp49AC&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq=inertial+navigation+system+earth+coriolis&source=bl&ots=KHhbZgZryX&sig=jMWsrDOhIoQK0z2K-orFs5C3lkM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEgQ6AEwB2oVChMIk-C5qq-ExgIVTFuICh1PogAv#v=onepage&q=inertial navigation system earth coriolis&f=false
And from Institude of Flight System Dynamics - "In a sequential process of levelling and gyro compassing the initial orientation could be derived, when the Earth's rate of _rotation_ can be sufficiently resolved..." http://www.fsd.mw.tum.de/research/sensors-data-fusion-and-navigation/inertial-navigation/
Wind patterns have _everything_ to do with coriolis effect, illustrated here- https://youtu.be/RT6WwNmDfEQ?t=396 Flat Earth theory has no explanation for trade winds, westerlies and easterlies- http://www.weatherwizkids.com/globalcirculation.gif
" In meteorology, the horizontal component of the Coriolis force is of primary importance, "
American Meteorological Society- "The Coriolis force is defined as always acting perpendicular to the direction of motion; to the right in the Northern Hemisphere to explain rightward turning, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere to describe leftward turning. It is all necessary *because Earth turns!"*
Hong Kong Observatory- "The apparent deflection of a moving air mass caused by the Earth's rotation is called the Coriolis effect." http://www.hko.gov.hk/education/edu01met/wxphe/ele_geostrophicwind_e.htm
Meteorology. By Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison -
"... in the midlatitudes, the Coriolis force is strong; thishas important implications for how we understand midlatitude weather." https://books.google.com/books?id=qWcrAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA186&lpg=PA186&dq=meteorology+coriolis&source=bl&ots=ZRA5-OutaD&sig=e6LQaXe049HYslMLDnHH2jhwqoU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2n-PVYi3JMOoogSy_ofICA&ved=0CEEQ6AEwCDgK#v=onepage&q=meteorology coriolis&f=false
Univ of Illinois- "As air moves from high to low pressure in the northern hemisphere, it is deflected to the right by the Coriolis force. " http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/fw/crls.rxml
"Each successive layer of water underneath is effected further by the Coriolis effect (but the foward movement of water is less) creating an Ekman spiral" http://science.kennesaw.edu/~jdirnber/oceanography/LecuturesOceanogr/LecCurrents/LecCurrents.html
"Winds drive surface currents in the ocean, and these currents are effected by the Coriolis effect. "
A Laboratory Demonstration of Coriolis Effects on Wind-Driven ocean currents- http://www.tos.org/oceanography/archive/21-2_beesley.pdf
Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science - https://books.google.com/books?id=Bjx-BAAAQBAJ&pg=PT257&lpg=PT257&dq=coriolis+effect+oceanography&source=bl&ots=TDsHYsixbT&sig=RoJW3JzYyq8suS0-vDzN_9sZd2s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8IKPVYinDY35oAS_8YZg&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=coriolis effect oceanography&f=false
geostrophic ("Earth turning") currents.
http://www.britannica.com/science/ocean-current/Geostrophic-currents "On a nonrotating Earth, water would be accelerated by a horizontal pressure gradient and would flow from high to low pressure. On the rotating Earth, however, the Coriolis force deflects the motion,"
Ocean in Motion: Geostrophic Flow Background-
"A balance develops between the Coriolis force and the force arising from the horizontal water pressure gradient such that surface currents flow parallel to the contours of elevation of sea level. This current is known as geostrophic flow."
Coriolis and Ekman Transport, Penn State Dept of Geosciences, https://www.e-education.psu.edu/earth540/content/c4_p3.html
TX A & M Univ- Geostrophic Equations- http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/ocng_textbook/chapter10/chapter10_02.htm
Cornell Univ- http://www.geo.cornell.edu/ocean/p_ocean/ppt_notes/15_GeostrophicCurrents.pdf "The force balance is between the centripetal force and Coriolis force"
Early Astronomer Described Coriolis Effect Centuries Before Coriolis
Explaining the Coriolis Effect on the Tethered Satellite
Orbital mechanics- http://physics.info/orbital-mechanics-1/
"Objects orbiting around L4 and L5 are stable because the Coriolis force keeps them spinning around the Lagrange point."
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