Debunked: Remote “Electromagnetic Warfare” weather modification testing facility.

M Bornong

Senior Member.

This photo was posted on Madisonstar Moon's Facebook.!/madisonstar.moon?fref=ts
This is the link to her source,

A google search led me to this site among others, where I found this image.

I cropped it and found that it was very similar to Madison's, without the "testing facility."

Which of the above pic(s) are photoshopped?
Doing a little digging, it seems that that 'photo' came out of Russia. The earliest example I found was this one

Сьорік Кушніровіч
Belongs to


Photo information
Jul 10, 2009
800×452 pixels – 94KB
Filename: 19_02.jpg
Camera: n/a
Model: n/a
ISO: n/a
Exposure: n/a
Aperture: n/a
Focal Length: n/a
Flash Used: n/a
Latitude: n/a

He seems to have a lot of the photos that show up on various sites. Who knows how many of the them he created. The 'craters' in that picture, I think were lifted from some moon pictures.
I love the thing on her page about Monsanto's poison seeds not for food, feed or oil. Does she think that is all seeds are for? Does she not realize that seeds are used to grow fibers, used to make cloths? I mean India does grow a lot of cotton. Monsanto even won an award in India for their work.

Also seeds for food crops are treated with pesticides. Eating a gob full would be a bad move I think.
I love the thing on her page about Monsanto's poison seeds not for food, feed or oil. Does she think that is all seeds are for? Does she not realize that seeds are used to grow fibers, used to make cloths? I mean India does grow a lot of cotton. Monsanto even won an award in India for their work.


Full document here,
And finally today, she added a few pictures of this plane,View attachment 3455

My guess is that she doesn't have much empathy for the firefighters that died in Arizona,

Oh, so now "chemtrail planes" are prop driven, like this C-130 firefighter? Amazing how the perpetrators of these heinous crimes morph in whatever way is necessary. Every other shot of a "chemtrail plane" I have seen is a jet propelled aircraft at high altitude. Now they are down low, flying Air Force Reserve C-130s. Just like weather radar "pulses" in whatever way (square, rings, spikes, indiscernible shapes) is necessary to continue the conspiracy......
One of the reasons that I rarely watch You Tubes, can date back to the BP Gulf blow out. There was one where the lady had posted a You Tube of an INVISIBLE plane spraying Corexit over land. They trotted out many of the 'chem trails' pictures of planes on the ground to prove their points.
These people don't worry me......I think they are slight outcasts, looking for a group to belong to.....choosing some common enemy. In that situation, they will believe most anything the group believes..
Madison is, unwittingly, actually helping to debunk chemtrails.

The MAFFS aircraft she is claiming has the technology that could be used for chemtrailing has a 3000 gallon tank that carries almost 13 tonnes of fire retardant that is 80-85% water.

It is pictured here.


The MAFFS fact sheet states that this creates a plume 400 metres long and 15 metres wide.

External Quote:

An equivalent plume of aluminium oxide would weigh approximately four times as much. Lets call it 50 tonnes. And while max payload of ANY Hercules is slightly less than 20 tonnes we can therefore see graphically what 50 tonnes of aluminium oxide would look like when sprayed from an aircraft, and what the length of the plume would approximate.

So what weight of aluminium oxide are are we looking at here?

Or in the Peter Kusznir video with a contrail stretching for at least 150 km, as acknowledged by Russ Tanner, John Massaria and Madison herself, highlighted in the other post I made on the weight issue?

The Evergreen Tanker carries 20,000 gallons of retardant. Assuming it is composed as similar materials we can see what approx 330 tonnes of aluminium oxide would look like when sprayed. (of course you must ignore the fact that this model 747 has a maximum weight of around 370 tonnes).


Keep it up Madison. Your total lack of research on anything you post is coming back to bite you. The photos you post of "chemtrails" weigh far too much for any aircraft to carry. You have shown it yourself, but you don't know it.
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But Madison & Co won't believe you, me, gov't, or science......these are their common enemies.
They'll censor all info that disagrees with their beliefs, or invent unique unexplainable explanations.

In this way, it is cult-like....or religion-like.
Look at the source's Home Page.
How Beliefs in Extraterrestrials and Intelligent Design Are Similar (link)
....not sure she believes in aliens.....but the belief often goes hand-in-hand.
And it goes for other things as well. There was a pipeline break in Ark, a while ago. Some of the folks are reporting 'illnesses' and such. They are real concerned about oil getting into a nearby lake.

This showed up today. The state has tested it and found no oil, but the folks there KNOW there is.

External Quote:

Mayflower Arkansas Oil Spill shared a link.
22 minutes ago
ADEQ water complaint on Palarm Creek and result report......still blowing smoke up peoples butt! Give me a break from decomposition...GEESH!

Lance Hines, Director of Sales & Business Developm
ent,, 501-374-5960(fax);501-626-
1793(cell) notified Congressman Griffin on 6/24/13 that
one of Hines' employees observed oil running into the
Arkansas River. Subsequently, the EPA (Nicolas Bresica
) was notified by Congressman Griffin's office. EPA
notified Dean VanDerhoff, ADEQ, Hazardous Waste Division

6/24/13-(Confluence of Palarm Creek/Arkansas River)-D
ean VanDerhoff, Erica McAdoo, and I responded to a
complaint alleging oil was running into the Arkansas River from Palarm Creek at the confluence. Upon arrival,
the following conditions were observed: a distinct mixing zone at the confluence of Palarm Creek with the
Arkansas River was observed. Palarm Creek was dark (tea-colored); this is attributed to the decomposition of
organic material; specifically, plant matter and the prese
nce of tannins and lignins. Samples were obtained
and exceedences of APC&EC Regulation 2: Water Qualit
y Standards for Surface Waters of the State of
Arkansas were not detected in the samples obtained at th
e time of investigation. See NPDES Report Page 6 of
37 for the approximate sampling location and NPDES Report Pages 7-36 of 37 for sample results.
Additional locations investigated were:
(Arkansas River-upstream of confluence with Palarm Creek): water samples were not collected; however, the
following readings were obtained using field meters: Dissolved Oxygen (DO): 6.61 mg/L; pH 7.62.
(Boat Launch Area-Palarm Creek-Hwy 365): the following conditions were observed at the boat launch area off
Hwy 365: Palarm Creek was dark (tea-colored); the coloration was attributed to the decomposition of organic
material; a film was observed around the boat launch structure, this was attributed to bacterial activity in
relatively stagnant water causing a biofilm. Water samples were not collected; however, the following readings
were obtained using field meters: DO: 5.86 mg/L @ 34.2°C; pH 7.21.
(Palarm Creek located downstream of Lake Conway dam and boat launch area): the following conditions were
observed downstream of the dam: Palarm Creek was dark (tea-colored); the coloration was attributed to the
decomposition of organic material. Water samples were not collected; however, the following readings were
obtained using field meters: DO: 5.04 mg/L @ 31.4°C; pH 7.14.
The MAFFS aircraft she is claiming has the technology that could be used for chemtrailing has a 3000 gallon tank that carries almost 13 tonnes of fire retardant that is 80-85% water.

It is pictured here.


Funny you post that photo. I think this is a photo of the other side of this plane that was posted on Chemtrails Global Skywatch yesterday. The OP comments "backwards flag on this plane", as if that means anything other than that's how they paint flags on plane tails, to look as if they are flying.

7-13flag copy.jpg

This Madisonstar apparently is aware of this forum, since she has everyone who has "liked" Metabunk of FB blocked, one would assume she has read here how often she is BLATANTLY wrong? This isn't someone posting slides of supposed nano fibers, these are in your face errors.
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This Madisonstar apparently is aware of this forum, since she has everyone who has "liked" Metabunk of FB blocked, one would assume she has read here how often she is BLATANTLY wrong? This isn't someone posting slides of supposed nano fibers, these are in your face errors.

I was wondering how I was pre-blocked from her page on FB when I've never posted there.
Now I know.
What a [...].
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And yet she is the first to complain when FB censors her page...usually required due to copyright violations and other instances such as naming Airbus officials as "terrorists" because they pose for a photo in from of a ballast barrel on the test A380.

There was even a claim of breaking her first amendment rights....????
I've got an alternate FB handle that I use to annoy the crap out of Campbell Newman, I'll see if I can find her with that.
Gee, I bet that's gotta be annoying for her.

And yet she is the first to complain when FB censors her page...usually required due to copyright violations and other instances such as naming Airbus officials as "terrorists" because they pose for a photo in from of a ballast barrel on the test A380.

There was even a claim of breaking her first amendment rights....????

It's like the other day when Russ Tanner was complaining the admins blocked him from another Chemtrail forum. Someone call a whaaaaambulance!

My dear Madisonstar Moon, if you are doing investigations into "chemtrails" and you post a photo such as this, then you shouldn't mind an explanation as to what you are loking at.
This plane was built to transport large sections of the 787 Dreamliner, only a couple were built. You can now take this off your list of possible "Chemtrail" contributors. We only wish to aid you in your research.
This Madisonstar apparently is aware of this forum, since she has everyone who has "liked" Metabunk of FB blocked, one would assume she has read here how often she is BLATANTLY wrong? This isn't someone posting slides of supposed nano fibers, these are in your face errors.

She's aware of this topic.

Madison, you are cordially invited to join in the discussion, if you want us to get off your "nuts." I'd like an explanation as to why an obvious photoshop can be called "another remote "Electromagnetic Warfare" weather modification testing facility." Why is a bag of seeds that has been treated with pesticides, carrying the proper labeling, proof that GMO's are harmful? All seeds modified or not are required to carry such labeling if treated with pesticides. How do photos of planes performing water drops on forest/wildfires fit in with the "chemtrail" narrative? How does 1 or 2, 747's modified to be able to transport large parts of an airplane under development fit in with the "chemtrail" narrative? We do not wish to hinder your investigation and yet, we are blocked on your facebook.

As Mick has suggested, if you feel these threads are manipulated, take screen shots as you post, save evidence of your posts and the context of how they are posted.
For the life of me I simply cannot fathom weather weapons. How in the world could man ever actively manipulate the weather in any targeted and precise way? Seriously help me. I thought local weather was the result of various macro and micro factors like humidity, seasons, the jet stream, and others. For Christ sake they only give percentage probabilities for rain fall, how could "they" create cummulonimbus clouds, form a storm system, create a funnel cloud, and make it hit a target? Am I missing several things or is a weather weapon the product of an Alex Jones bath salts fueled fevre dream?
We are just critiquing her (public) FB posts for their content inaccuracies.
I think everyone knows here to keep it civil, and never call names or lobby insults to her, or anyone for that matter.
She's not blocked here for having a different opinion. If she wants to come here (again), that's up to her.
I'm all ears.
M Bornong said:
Why is a bag of seeds that has been treated with pesticides, carrying the proper labeling, proof that GMO's are harmful? All seeds modified or not are required to carry such labeling if treated with pesticides......

I believe it's becoming quite common to encase such seeds with a brightly coloured coating. From memory, the 4 primary reasons are...
1) prevent the seed from accidentally being used as livestock food
2) that is slides/flows down the seeding chute easier when planting
3)....some seed is surface sowed, so the colour makes it more obvious that it's being spaced properly, visually.
4) ...coating can contain nutrients, fungicide, insecticide, etc....


All Vantage Seed Coating
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  • I kinda promised myself I would leave Madisonstar to her own, but this one is just too hypocritical, if she claims to be so concerned about the enviro, and so "aware".
And I know she'll read this, so it's my way of helping the environment...... Maybe there aresome things she can learn from this site.
I'm not posting this to annoy her, I'll hope she'll gain something......
Why Feeding Wildlife Does More Harm than Good


External Quote:
Waterfowl like ducks and geese eat a variety of
insects and plants naturally present in the water.
While they may willfully eat humans foods like
crackers, bread and popcorn, these items have
little nutritional value and are poor substitutes for
their natural foods.
Is it good to feed waterfowl?
No, artificial feeding is actually harmful to waterfowl.
Artificial feeding of waterfowl can cause:
  • Poor nutrition
  • Increased hybridization
  • Water pollution
  • Delayed migration
  • Concentrations at unnatural sites
  • Overcrowding
  • Spread of disease
  • Costly management efforts
  • Unnatural behavior
  • Cumulative effects

When ducks and geese feed on scattered corn or bread, they eat in the same place where they defecate. Not healthy. In addition, large concentrations of waterfowl would facilitate the spread of disease. Also not healthy. Diseases generally not transmissible in a wild setting find overcrowded and unsanitary conditions very favorable.

Most waterfowl die-offs in the past 10 years have involved artificial feeding: (edit: referring to NY State Parks)
  • 2,000 mallards and black ducks were killed in an outbreak of Duck Virus Enteritis in Central New York.
  • Another fatal disease, Aspergillus, occurs when food is scattered too liberally. It piles up and becomes moldy.
  • In Cheektowaga, New York, hundreds of ducks were killed in an outbreak of Avian Botulism at a feeding site. A local ordinance was later passed to prohibit the feeding of waterfowl. An added bonus ... rat populations that fed well on waterfowl handouts have since declined.
  • In some cases, humans have been affected by disease transmitted by waterfowl. In Skaneateles, New York, swimmers contracted Swimmer's Itch, caused by a parasite that was emitted from ducks attracted to artificial feeding at the town park.


Maybe she didn't realize these things.
People here DO care for the environment.
Several members have organic gardens...I do.100% organic.
There are some things that can't be divided or washed over by opposing viewpoints.

Take care Madisonstar....


My guess......

External Quote:

Populus section Aigeiros is a section of three species in the genus Populus, the poplars. Commonly known as cottonwoods, the species are native to North America.....

The seeds are borne on cottony structures that allow them to be blown long distances in the air before settling to ground.


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Maybe she didn't realize these things.
People here DO care for the environment.
Several members have organic gardens...I do.100% organic.
There are some things that can't be divided or washed over by opposing viewpoints.

Take care Madisonstar....

She might as well have brought a 6 pack along and left behind the rings.:)
We've tried to reach out to her.

I'd like to ask the other members of this forum to refrain from adding to this topic, for the moment. Attempts have been made to contact Madisonstar Moon to address the idiosycrasies of her Facebook posts. She is aware of this post, and multiple questions have been asked concerning multiple FB posts by Madisonstar Moon. I do not wish to overwhelm her, or have to split the thread. Let's see if she will address what has been presented. Thank you.