Debunked: Over 30 Percent Of Americans Have An RFID Chip Implanted In Them [HOAX]

Virginia G

New Member
This is my first posting, and I haven't been able to find much information as the source seems to be quite recent and is just beginning its rounds on youtube. My husband sent me the source the video he was listening to referred to:

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Now a recent analysis of radio frequencies by the Wyoming Institute of Technologyshows that one out of three Americans have an RFID implanted in them… and they don't even know it.

According to their experiment, three discrete human populations, defined by geographical location, were assessed for the presence of RFID chips. The discretion must be on individual identities because the experiment states that 958 individuals from Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin were in population group one, 987 individuals from Maine, Rhode Island, and New Jersey were in population group two, and 1,010 individuals from Arizona and Nevada were in population group three. Following standard protocols of ethics and standards, the individuals were stripped, either fully nude or minimal undergarments, for RFID frequencies.

The results were staggering as a total of 997 individuals out of 2955 individuals tested positive for RFID frequencies. That is about 1 out of 3 individuals having RFID chips. More than half of them were in tooth fillings with others being in the hand, artificial hip, artificial knee, implanted screws, or for women, in implanted birth control.
The article in the Inquisitr line to the original study, which is apparently as yet unpublished and just in ePub format:

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John T. Brugle, Ph.D and Mary Franz, Ph.D, M.P.H.
Wyoming Institute of Technology, Human Studies Division
ePUB Ahead of Print


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Chips have been used extensively in wildlife ecology and conservation to identify and track individual specimens in a population. It has been unknown, however, how often RFID chips have been implanted in human populations for the tracking and identification of individuals. This study analyzed the prevalence of RFID Chips in 3 geographically discrete populations and found that, on average, 1 in 3 individuals carried an RFID Chip. Interestingly, there was a strong correlation with RFID Chip presence and previous dental work.
I haven't been able to find any further information, either confirming or debunking this claim. I did find one site that claims their users have debunked this, but again no further information was given:

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Correction: It's been called to our attention that the study at

is a fraudulent study. We very much appreciate the feedback from our readers on this, as we and other outlets had referenced the study in good faith.
I would appreciate any information anyone can find, as my research skills have fallen short on this one. I'm considering making debunking videos when these claims come up. I just haven't decided yet whether I want to devote that much energy to debunking bunk, or if I just want to show people who matter to me that lies are being perpetuated in the name of "truth."
I thought that might be the case, also like the National Report. Is there info on the site that asserts this? I am looking but would appreciate a link also.

I mean, looking at their other articles, it seems obvious to me, but we are not always dealing with the most rational people when they believe this stuff.
Okay I did find this

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WITscience is a satirical piece of art that simply has a scientific slant.

They have been the "experts" for National Report, for the this gem: Solar Panels Drain the Sun's Energy, even though their more obvious fake-stories ("Health Spa to be Built at Northern Tip of Antarctica") remain, as of yet, unreported on. (I wonder why.
Sites like that are unfortunately an increasing source of bunk. They know they get more traffic if they don't post disclaimers.
There are plenty of clues on the "About" page...

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In 1989, Monsanto and DuPont commissioned WIT to study agricultural genetics, leading to our invention of the first genetically-modified crops in 1992. Our research was noted as fundamental in the cloning of Dolly the Sheep in 1997, as well as the creation of the world's first 100% organic artificial nose, which was created for pop-star Michael Jackson in 1999.

In December of 1999, WIT literally saved the world, after our computer science researchers managed to stop the Y2K virus from spreading globally. The Y2K virus would have caused airplanes to fall from the sky, the stock market to crash, cars to stop functioning, cell phones to randomly dial strangers, and more. WIT's tireless work led to several WIT researchers being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2000, and Presidential Medals of Freedom in both 2000 and 2001.
Genetic engineering was first accomplished in the early 1970's and commercialized in the mid to late 1970's. The first genetically engineered plant was developed in the early 1980's.

The Y2K thing was not a "virus", it was just the way the code was written in the early days when memory space was at a premium, so programmers truncated the date by only using the last two digits of the year. I installed many Y2K upgrades/patches back in the days when I was a Tech Support Engineer and never heard of WIT.

The 2000 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Kim Dae-Jung for working on reconciliation between North and South Korea.
Sites like that are unfortunately an increasing source of bunk. They know they get more traffic if they don't post disclaimers.

They also know, I'm sure, that the majority of youtube truthers don't investigate their sources. It's so frustrating.
What the hell is the point of this 'satire'?
It's not in the least bit funny. What is it supposed to be a parody of?
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New Study Shows 92% Of Convicted Murderers Suffer From Aspergers Syndrome

This study has enabled us to outline the distinct interconnections between autism and manslaughter, we hope that ultimately, this study will provide professionals with the information they need in order to intercept potential offenders before tragedy strikes. Our goal is to save lives.
What the hell is the point of this 'satire'?
It's not in the least bit funny. What is it supposed to be a parody of?
External Quote:

New Study Shows 92% Of Convicted Murderers Suffer From Aspergers Syndrome

This study has enabled us to outline the distinct interconnections between autism and manslaughter, we hope that ultimately, this study will provide professionals with the information they need in order to intercept potential offenders before tragedy strikes. Our goal is to save lives.

The point seems to be to drive traffic to their web site. It's really more hoax that satire, just controversial topics that will get shared on social media, and hence make them money..
The point seems to be to drive traffic to their web site. It's really more hoax that satire, just controversial topics that will get shared on social media, and hence make them money..

There seems to be more and more of baiting people to click on stuff- even on Yahoo mail, etc. Anything salacious or mysterious will do, as long as it gets attention.