Debunked: Movie producer Nathan Folks claims bombing false flag, Voice of Russia says blood too red


[Link to broken YouTube video removed]

Among this guy's claims are the ideas that the TV coverage did not look like it was a live event.

Also, he claims there's no way Jeff Bauman could have been at the hockey game he was photographed at so soon after he lost his legs.

How would somebody in his line of work be in any position to know these things?
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Transcript here,
overview here,
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Hollywood producer Nathan Folks says Boston Bombing was false-flag fakery
Posted on May 1, 2014 by Dr. Eowyn | 31 Comments

Nathan Folks

Nathan (Nathaniel) Folks is a film producer and talent manager who has been in the entertainment industry since 1997 when he worked at Paramount Pictures marketing the blockbuster motion picture, Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

In an interview with the Voice of Russia's John Robles, Folks says that back in April 2013 as he was watching the events of the Boston Marathon bombings unfold, based on his experience and expertise as a movie producer, he thought that some things just "didn't add up" and became convinced that the bombings were a false flag designed to instill "the fear factor" in us, "to keep us scared for as long as they can." The Boston bombing wasn't real but a "hyper-reality film-making." It was a "terrorism that never happened."

Folks says that he knows some of the people "who were involved" in the Boston "hyper-reality filmmaking." He defines "hyper-reality film-making" as a "very common thing you do in the military" where filmmakers create a "hyper reality scene" that is made as real as possible so that the military "can be well adjusted to a real scene in Iraq or any other kind of war zone." In a hyper-reality scene, people can see and feel and help what appears to be a real injured person, but the "injured person" is actually an amputee crisis actor, with help from a makeup artist. (See "Did you know there are AMPUTEE crisis actors?")

As Folks was watching the "hyper reality scene" unfold in the streets of Boston, he was thinking "they were able to get away with this!" As he watched the "supposedly live television broadcasting," he knew it wasn't live at all, but edited, because:

  • In live footage, "you don't cut from one scene to another."
  • The supposedly live TV footage was using an older technology that's "grainy" instead of the HD (high definition) available in 2013.
Asked about Jeff Bauman, who supposedly had both of his legs blown off at the marathon:

1. Folks (and others) observed that the pic below is staged. Notice the red paint: Blood is never such a bright red. Bauman is the man with a stick attached to one of his amputated legs. No blood in area where his leg was apparently severed and what is supposed to be a bone is much too thin and straight to be a lower leg bone. The expression on his face is entirely inconsistent with someone who just had both of his legs blown off.

2. Paramedics and doctors know that someone who's lost both of his legs must not be moved, and "certainly" not be put in a wheelchair and carted down the road. But that's exactly what they did to Bauman.

Jeff Bauman

3. Someone who lost both legs would spend at least a year recuperating. Instead, Bauman was at a Bruins hockey game on May 4, 2013 (see pic below), which was exactly 19 days after he had both legs blown off. That's some miraculous recovery!

"Jeff Bauman" at the Bruins game, May 4, 2013.

Folks thinks it's "comical" that "they" actually did that with Bauman and "think we all buy this." He insists "The truth has to come out, people are not going to sit there and be made a mockery."

Asked about green screens being used at the bombing, Folks says "they" used "a second screen in order to reenact the scene over and over to get it right, and by using the green screen they were able to show the buildings that were actually on Boylston Street." (The two bombings took place, seconds apart, on Boylston St.)


Note: Green screen or chroma key compositing is commonly used for weather forecast broadcasts, wherein the meteorologist is usually seen standing in front of a large CGI map during live television newscasts, though in actuality it is a large blue or green background.


Folks compares the Boston bombing to the movie Titanic, where we see the boat sink and people drowning but, of course, all of that weren't actually happening. We, the moviegoers, are watching it on green screen with a digital layer of real-action people and the boat "sinking" in the background. Folks says "That's what they did" in Boston but "they did it on television," where the street scene is real, but when "they reenact the people that were hurt, they had to add the blood and the amputees and the makeup."

Folks says "you can see the person who put on the makeup on these people," and refers in particular to a "woman in pink" with a make-up bag who "goes to each victim. She's not helping them! She's putting their makeup on."

Folks: "I'm not fooled and I'm not going to let everyone else be fooled. Someone has to speak out against it and they can follow me, they can do whatever they want, but at the end of day, the truth has to come out sometime."

Folks says he began speaking out right after the bombings. Then strange things started happening to him. He became very sick although he's "never been sick" in his life. He "couldn't hold water, couldn't hold food," and was hospitalized for a total of 22 days in the course of 3 months. Folks suspects it was some kind of poison but the doctors "couldn't determine what it was." It nearly killed him. It took him 3 to 6 months of rehabilitation to get back on his feet.

Folks says other people who had spoken out about the Boston bombing hoax at the same time as he was, e.g., "the guy who runs [the website] Natural News," also were poisoned. Some "disappeared."

Lastly, Folks says whoever put together the Boston bombing hoax was not very good at it. Tongue in cheek, he recommends that "they" should have hired the real pros — Hollywood producers.

As Mr. Folks is reported to be in the entertainment business, the statement: In live footage, "you don't cut from one scene to another." seems especially glaring. If course you do. Multiple cameras are always used in live broadcasts of sporting events, to my knowledge. In a marathon it would be mandatory. It's such a bizarre claim to make from someone in the business.

All the other ones are stock, and need no comment. There's going to be a certain percentage of CT'ers that are delusional, and struggle to separate fantasy from reality. But, there's an aspect of the BMB CT that appears somewhat unique. There are always claims made of what is seen in photos, structure flying out of the WTC towers seen as the result of explosives by some, and as a consequence of the release of the energy of the collapse by others. But, that's pretty much a matter of interpretation.

Here we have what appears to be mass hallucinations. People are said to be pouring blood on the ground, fitting prosthetics, applying makeup, and it's just not there in the photos. I've had the opportunity to ask people directly if they suspect someone in the photo might have poured blood, for example, or if they see them actually do it, and they affirm the latter.

So, I'm left wondering what the distinction is between imagining seeing something, and a visual hallucination. If the delusion involves impairment of the visual cortex, that would seem to indicate a rather severe mental illness.
He's just repeating the entirely specious arguments from personal incredulity that have been brought up before. He offers no actual evidence other than his own opinion.

Example: "the blood is too red". [Edit: this was actually claimed by the interviewer and/or whoever wrote up the article with the transcript]

Compared to what? Yes blood goes dark quickly as it dries, and when you donate blood they take it from a vein, so it's darker, but fresh arterial and capillary blood is bright red.
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Hemoglobin is the principal determinant of the color of blood in vertebrates. Each molecule has four heme groups, and their interaction with various molecules alters the exact color. In vertebrates and other hemoglobin-using creatures, arterial blood and capillary blood are bright red, as oxygen imparts a strong red color to the heme group. Deoxygenated blood is a darker shade of red; this is present in veins, and can be seen during blood donationand when venous blood samples are taken. This is because the spectrum of light absorbed by hemoglobin differs between the oxygenated and deoxygenated states.[23]


This is not hard to find out. Mr Folks could simply make a small cut in his leg, and bleed out a few spoonfuls of blood onto a similar sidewalk, and have someone photograph it.

His other claims are along the same lines, he makes some claim like the expression on Bauman's face being wrong, or him recovering too quickly. But does not back these up in any way whatsoever. And as noted, in an area where he might actually have some experience - that of camera work, he makes the obviously false claim that live shots never cut away.

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
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Blood is semi-transparent (light can shine through it if spread thin enough) so the surface it collects on can have an effect on the perceived color as well.
Here's two photos of the same victim. The span of time between the two is likely to be minutes, if even that.


And yet, in the lower photo the blood looks darker. Oxygenation is an obvious factor, but there are others as well. In the lower photo, the shirt of the man to the right appears to have an increased blueish tinge. Digital images have always suffered from tonal issues, and the amount and incidence of reflected light can influence color balance markedly. Add to that the facility to adjust it to one's preference, and it becomes clear that one can't draw any valid conclusions based on the colors seen in photographs.
Yes, even if they are taken with the same camera, it will adjust white balance and exposure between shots. Note also you are not looking at the same blood in both shots. In the lower shot most of of the bright blood in the first image is off the bottom right (see the black/blue logos in the sidewalk)

Here's a comparison, unadjusted:

And with the left image adjusted for white balance and exposure

It's quite a subtle difference, but tips it over (in my perception, which is another thing that varies) from red to bright red.
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just like the woman who is on dancing with the stars, she also was stated to have lost her feet in the bombing and now is on national tv. Dancing like a pro?
Anyone know what this is referring to?
And of course, if something is in sunlight or not will have a huge influence on the "brightness" of the color. Here's the same object, same exposure, just in and out of the sun:
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just like the woman who is on dancing with the stars, she also was stated to have lost her feet in the bombing and now is on national tv. Dancing like a pro?
Anyone know what this is referring to?
I know not of dancing with the stars but one survivor was a professional dancer and lost a foot. She now has a new robot foot to help her dance again. Here is a TED talk about it.

Skip to 17:00 to see her publicly dance for the first time since losing her lower leg.
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just like the woman who is on dancing with the stars, she also was stated to have lost her feet in the bombing and now is on national tv. Dancing like a pro?
Anyone know what this is referring to?
They're referring to Adrianne Haslet-Davis.
She recently performed at a TED conference in Vancouver. Apparently she's going to appear on Dancing With the Stars in the near future.
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just like the woman who is on dancing with the stars, she also was stated to have lost her feet in the bombing and now is on national tv. Dancing like a pro?
Anyone know what this is referring to?

He's probably conflating Boston victim Haslet-Davis, who lost one leg.

With Amy Purdy on DWTS, who lost her feet 15 years ago.
As I've stated, my friend works at one of the Boston-area hospitals and dealt with many of the injured victims. If the blood was fake, I'm sure he, as well as the other nurses, would have said something.
I never stated the blood was too red. Maybe listen to my interview again. That would be an obvious weak argument. I know actual crisis actors in the event. I know how they produced the event to seem real. It was a Homeland Security drill produced by several production companies. Boston Globe even tweeted the event was a drill. Then retracted later. How can it not be more obvious to the people on this site? I can prove the deception to the American Public on due course.
I never stated the blood was too red. Maybe listen to my interview again. That would be an obvious weak argument. I know actual crisis actors in the event.

It seems like you don't mention this in the transcript, but it seems to be a key point in the VOR article about your interview, so understandable how that impression could have been made. Do you agree with any of their caption on the photo:
I know actual crisis actors in the event. I know how they produced the event to seem real. It was a Homeland Security drill produced by several production companies. Boston Globe even tweeted the event was a drill. Then retracted later. How can it not be more obvious to the people on this site? I can prove the deception to the American Public on due course.
The evidence you say you have is awesome and convincing--so much good can be done with it!!

Surely you don't intend to keep it all to's far too important!!!

Please let me know what you know, so that your conclusions will make sense...
I will be releasing soon the production company, the producers, directors and list of real crisis actor names in this Boston Bombing false flag drill/event. It will be in conjunction with the class action lawsuit against One Fund Boston starting next year. All Go fund me accounts set up for these actors are also considered fraud. The amount of money stolen from the American public on this event alone is astonishing. We all should be rioting in the streets over this.
I will be releasing soon the production company, the producers, directors and list of real crisis actor names in this Boston Bombing false flag drill/event. It will be in conjunction with the class action lawsuit against One Fund Boston starting next year. All Go fund me accounts set up for these actors are also considered fraud. The amount of money stolen from the American public on this event alone is astonishing. We all should be rioting in the streets over this.
Sorry...I don't mean to sound impatient...
but "the evidence is coming soon...really" is one of those phrases we see as
often as a landlord hears "The check's in the mail."

When exactly? I mean, it's been 20 months so far...surely you're ready for your big reveal! :)
I will be releasing soon the production company, the producers, directors and list of real crisis actor names in this Boston Bombing false flag drill/event. It will be in conjunction with the class action lawsuit against One Fund Boston starting next year. All Go fund me accounts set up for these actors are also considered fraud. The amount of money stolen from the American public on this event alone is astonishing. We all should be rioting in the streets over this.

Soon? Until you actually provide such evidence, the only sensible conclusion is that you don't have any. Your arguments seem to be entirely one of personal incredulity.

Thank you for the clarification on the blood too red thing, I'll edit the title, as you did not actually say that. However you are still making extraordinary claims with no actual evidence.
I wish I knew exact dates but it will be the beginning of next year when all of the legal claims are complete.
Why in the world would any "legal claims" need to be "complete" before you could reveal the super-secret evidence?

To which legal cases are you referring? Okay, setting aside that peculiar "delay,"
by "the beginning of next year" you're promising to come clean in January?
Or is there some other "legal claim that could push it into February?

Of course, I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, and not assume that you have no real evidence
and are just stalling because you don't want everyone to know that you weren't being truthful...
but vague delays for vague reasons don't usually lead to blockbuster reveals...
A class action lawsuit is underway and I cannot disclose the pertinent information until advised by my attorney. I am sorry you think I am untruthful and that I would risk my career for something stupid. I think you know there is already overwhelming evidence. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out. If you watch my recent interview on info wars you will understand what class action suit we are preparing. Soon the world will be able to judge for themselves with all the facts presenting in the system. The court system.
Soon? Until you actually provide such evidence, the only sensible conclusion is that you don't have any. Your arguments seem to be entirely one of personal incredulity.

Thank you for the clarification on the blood too red thing, I'll edit the title, as you did not actually say that. However you are still making extraordinary claims with no actual evidence.

I only worked with the Boston hero, know a crisis actor involved and have the exact knowledge of who they worked with, the production company(s) and PR company used to facilitate the fraud. I know most involved and how they pulled it off.

You will be given evidence when it is appropriate. I wouldn't want to jeopardize the case with releasing vital information here before the information is ready to be released. I am sorry.
Okay lets take one small piece of evidence that I think that should be the leading piece for you to try and debunk. That evidence is just merely the Boston Globe Tweeting there will be a bomb explosion and drill at the exact location the bomb went off. Please explain if this is a real event wouldn't you like to know who at the Boston Globe is involved in this massacre? Everyone seems to ignore that point. Or why all the press was kept blocks away for only one photographer to be present? Or how about the real paramedics never arrived, the ambulances were parked blocks away not allowed to enter the DHS "Drill" zone. 9/11 tapes confiscated will explain that all of the real first responders were called off because it as a drill. This is all public information that needs to be addressed in this forum. Also, I don't think it was well argued why they kept running people in wheelchairs. We all know that this is not protocol in any scenario. The hard evidence I have will sum up all the answers. These questions should be eating away at everyone questioning the authenticity of this fake event put on by the Dept. of Homeland Security.
Okay lets take one small piece of evidence that I think that should be the leading piece for you to try and debunk. That evidence is just merely the Boston Globe Tweeting there will be a bomb explosion and drill at the exact location the bomb went off. Please explain if this is a real event wouldn't you like to know who at the Boston Globe is involved in this massacre? ......

Try using the search before asking -
That evidence is just merely the Boston Globe Tweeting there will be a bomb explosion and drill at the exact location the bomb went off. Please explain if this is a real event wouldn't you like to know who at the Boston Globe is involved in this massacre? Everyone seems to ignore that point.

So let's stick to this one point Nathan. The "leading piece" of evidence has been discussed in depth and explained. Please explain what you feel is lacking with the linked explanation.
If it were a "Real" event and not a "drill" then why wouldn't the defense team use these items in court as defense. It is because the courtroom is just as much a s fraud behind closed doors, its all part of the continued fraud against the American people. It is theater and an act inside the courtroom. No one was killed in this event. Not even the terrorist. The only way we can have a real trial on real fraud is to get thousands of people that understand the fraud being perpetrated against them. My claim will focus on the One Boston Fund.
Stick to your claim please Nathan. "Boston Globe Tweeting there will be a bomb explosion and drill at the exact location the bomb went off." do you still think this is correct?
Are you suggesting the Tweet didn't exist?
Have you read this post:

I'm reporducing it here:

"Natural News" claims that there were suspicious exercises on the same day as the Boston Marathon bombings

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(NaturalNews) Two bombs have rocked the streets of Boston and reportedly injured 22 marathon runners (two have reportedly died). It's too early to know the cause of these explosions, but you can rest assured both the state and federal government will try to use this tragic event to blame whatever convenient enemies are most advantageous for the government.

No one has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility for the bombs, and the fact that no firearms were used in the attack may indicate this was NOT part of a false flag effort by the government to try to blame gun owners. (But it's still way too early to tell...)

Here at Natural News, we are horrified at this loss of innocent life, and we are praying for the victims of this bombing as well as their families.
Bomb squad was running "controlled explosion" on the same day

What's not yet being reported by the mainstream media is that a "controlled explosion" was under way on the same day as the marathon explosion.

As the Boston Globe tweeted today, "Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities."

Some people believe this explosion might have been part of the demolition of another bomb. It seems unlikely, however, that a bomb at the library, one mile away, could be so quickly located and rigged to be exploded by the bomb squad in less than one hour following the initial explosions at the marathon.
No, really, it's not. The Library is directly opposite where the first bomb went off, hence "opposite the library", is the sidewalk, where the bomb exploded. Lots of people dropped their bags as they ran.

"Natural News" seems to be deliberately conflating the fire at the JFK Library with the controlled explosion opposite the public library. The tweets regarding the controlled explosion were:

(Times are Pacific, so 12:53 pacific is 3:53 Eastern, the bombing was at 2:50 Eastern, so these are about an hour after the bombing)



Obviously referring to the same thing, and simply clarifying the location.

Then AN HOUR LATER, they hear of the "explosion" at the JFK library:


(Notice it's not "The Library", which is what they call the main Boston Public Library, as you would expect).

And much later they note it seems to be just a fire:




(Above image via Reddit, not sure of the source, but the positions are accurate)

Natural News seems to basically just making things up to fulfill their preconceived idea of what happened.
Okay lets take one small piece of evidence that I think that should be the leading piece for you to try and debunk. That evidence is just merely the Boston Globe Tweeting there will be a bomb explosion and drill at the exact location the bomb went off. Please explain if this is a real event wouldn't you like to know who at the Boston Globe is involved in this massacre? Everyone seems to ignore that point. Or why all the press was kept blocks away for only one photographer to be present? Or how about the real paramedics never arrived, the ambulances were parked blocks away not allowed to enter the DHS "Drill" zone. 9/11 tapes confiscated will explain that all of the real first responders were called off because it as a drill. This is all public information that needs to be addressed in this forum. Also, I don't think it was well argued why they kept running people in wheelchairs. We all know that this is not protocol in any scenario. The hard evidence I have will sum up all the answers. These questions should be eating away at everyone questioning the authenticity of this fake event put on by the Dept. of Homeland Security.
I wish you'd just told me (instead of making me wade through the Alex Jones Show nonsense)
that this super-secret class action is just a retread of debunked 9/11 Truther stuff PLUS Sandy Hook PLUS
Boston...retreading the all the Wolfgang Halbig discredited stuff...

The Boston Globe tweet is your best stuff?!? :confused:

Others here have probably already let you know that that was dealt with here over a year and a half ago.

Snopes also dismissed your "best evidence" ages ago...

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 3.04.19 PM.png
And please stick to this one point, raising other issues should not happen until this one point has been satisfactorily addressed.