Senior Member.
From a story by the Activist Post website:
Essentially, the author is conflating immunization with paranoia about draconian government and rolling veterans into it for additional impact.
I started doing my research by locating the actual bill. It is located here:
The whole passage reads as follows. The boldface emphasis is mine
Chapter 17 of U.S. Code pertaining to veterans' medical care, specifically 1712(4)(e) is here. Again, boldface emphasis is mine.
I could not find any references to "over ninety vaccines" in the U.S. Code. However, I did locate actual VA recommendations for vaccines. There are ten and, again, the term "recommended" is prominent.
I can offer some anecdotal evidence as well. I am a veteran and became a registered volunteer for the Veterans Administration this year. Aside from a standard background check, I also had medical screening to determine my immunities and had the option of updating my shots, to include immunization for Hepatitis B. It was clear throughout the process that everything was voluntary. If I declined shots, all the VA wanted was a signed waiver.
After all, the omnipotent global power structure doesn't want to get sued.
http://www.activistpost.com/2015/11...ving-mandatory-vaccinations-for-veterans.htmlExternal Quote:A Bill has just passed the US Senate, mandating that the US Department of Veteran Affairs ensure that all veterans receive immunizations (vaccines) per a draconian schedule. At this juncture, active military must receive over a dozen vaccines. This piece of legislation is therefore an effort to extend the vaccine mandate to those who have previously served their country.
Sec. 101 of Senate Bill 1203, named the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, states that the Department of Veterans Affairs will be tasked with the mandate to "ensure that veterans receiving medical services under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, receive each immunization on the recommended adult immunization schedule at the time such immunization is indicated on that schedule."
The schedule referred to above is frankly staggering. Over ninety vaccines are listed.
Essentially, the author is conflating immunization with paranoia about draconian government and rolling veterans into it for additional impact.
I started doing my research by locating the actual bill. It is located here:
The whole passage reads as follows. The boldface emphasis is mine
External Quote:(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the development and implementation by the Department of Veterans Affairs of quality measures and metrics, including targets for compliance, to ensure that veterans receiving medical services under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, receive each immunization on the recommended adult immunization schedule at the time such immunization is indicated on that schedule.
(2) RECOMMENDED ADULT IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term "recommended adult immunization schedule" has the meaning given that term in section 1701(10) of title 38, United States Code, as added by subsection (a)(2).
Chapter 17 of U.S. Code pertaining to veterans' medical care, specifically 1712(4)(e) is here. Again, boldface emphasis is mine.
http://uscode.house.gov/browse/prelim@title38/part2/chapter17&edition=prelimExternal Quote:In order to assist the Secretary of Health and Human Services in carrying out national immunization programs under other provisions of law, the Secretary may authorize the administration of immunizations to eligible veterans who voluntarily request such immunizations in connection with the provision of care for a disability under this chapter in any Department health care facility. Any such immunization shall be made using vaccine furnished by the Secretary of Health and Human Services at no cost to the Department. For such purpose, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services may provide such vaccine to the Department at no cost. Section 7316 of this title shall apply to claims alleging negligence or malpractice on the part of Department personnel granted immunity under such section.
I could not find any references to "over ninety vaccines" in the U.S. Code. However, I did locate actual VA recommendations for vaccines. There are ten and, again, the term "recommended" is prominent.
I can offer some anecdotal evidence as well. I am a veteran and became a registered volunteer for the Veterans Administration this year. Aside from a standard background check, I also had medical screening to determine my immunities and had the option of updating my shots, to include immunization for Hepatitis B. It was clear throughout the process that everything was voluntary. If I declined shots, all the VA wanted was a signed waiver.
After all, the omnipotent global power structure doesn't want to get sued.