Debunked: Mandatory microchips in newborn european babies rumour via "Wikileaks'


Senior Member
Debunked: This story is indirectly based on a 2006 paper by the Surveillance Studies Network, prepared for the UK Government's Information Commissioner, that theorized that by 2016 school children might be given a plastic ID card with RFID built in. They did NOT suggest compulsory implanting of anyone. It contains a number of science-fiction-like dystopian scenarios, and is more of a set of pessimistic speculations. The most dire prediction it has for children is about using an RFID card at school:
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The cashless card system in Toby's school took off, with most families using it as
a way of monitoring what their children ate. After three years, NSC, the
supermarket, bought the cashless card company, seeing it as a way in to lucrative
youth markets, building brand awareness by providing educational equipment. To
get the resources, the parents are now required to swipe their child's card at the
checkout, which identified the school, the pupil and the parent.
The primary focus of the report was upon the loss of privacy from the ease of tracking RFID enabled cards, like credit cards and ID cards.

The main discussion of RFID implants was for shopping, and it's not compulsory, the shoppers are offered it as a luxury upgrade.
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The shopping centre then mines the data to find consumers who are the most frequent users of the shopping centre to offer them membership in their 'cashless' scheme. The scheme enables more 'valuable' consumers to get an implanted chip to help them shop. It costs £200 to get implanted. Then, consumers can load the chip with money, and pay in the different stores by getting their arm scanned rather than use a credit, debit or store card. The marketing for the cashless system tells shoppers that, as chip wearers they are eligible for discounts at stores of their choice in the shopping centre, which will soon redeem the initial money paid for the implant. They also get access to a VIP lounge, spa and massage facilities on site, and they are less of a target for muggers or pickpockets, and even credit card fraud.
Recharacterizing this report as some kind of "Mandatory Microchips in Newborns" is a hoax. In fact the public awareness and regulatory safeguards of the situation have actually improved since 2006. A 2010 update on the report stated:
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Since 2006 there has been welcome strengthening of the data protection regime, a higher and better informed level of debate and scrutiny of surveillance related developments as well as a renewed political commitment to address the unwanted consequences of existing measures that raise concerns about unwarranted surveillance of the citizen.
And the update does not mention RFID at all. It seems like it did not turn out to be the issue that was feared. CCTV, phone tracking, social networks, and biometrics are now discussed as much more realistic and important problems to be addressed.

Newborns do actually get RFID chips in hospitals now. But it's not an implant, it's just an ankle bracelet. Basically an enhanced version of the normal barcoded hospital bracelets. There's a variety of different kinds, active and passive. But all around the ankle. And of course it's removed when the baby leaves in a day or two.
351dd69bb69b5185af9f811932a4c29d.jpg (

Some version of this story are now accompanied by a story quoting a Dr Kilde, which actually is a recycling of an unrelated story from 2007, first published in "The Canadian", and repeated in Infowars ( (

Doctor alleges plans underway to "Microchip" Newborns in U.S. and Europe

Compiled by Lucien Desjardins

Regarding plans to microchip newborns, Dr. Kilde said the U.S. has been moving in this direction "in secrecy."

She added that in Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger.
This appear to be a hoax, as it contains stuff which is scientific nonsense:
"Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).

"When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye,", Dr. Kilde indicates "it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. "

And the original source of THAT bunk is the conspiracy site Illuminati News. (

And ultimately claims to be a translation of a 1999 Finnish article. (

Which is a real article, written by UFO and parapsychology enthusiast Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde 1999, 23 years after she was Chief Medical Officer for Lapland (a Province of Finland).

See Post #3 below.

The above summary debunking added by @Mick West, OP by @Balance Follows:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wlklleaks/posts/ghpJnxiaP2V
^^^Unofficial wikileaks account

Their "source": [which itself has no actual sources]
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On May 2014, through Europe newborn children will be compelled to take in a subcutaneous RFID chip
and of course, that stalwart of journalism adds to the flames
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From David Fraser's link.....
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Danish physicist, Niels Bohr famously quipped that "Prediction is very difficult,
especially if it's about the future." We did not want to get into the business of
futurology or prediction here, however we thought it would be useful to provide a
few vignettes which take some incidents from the scenario and throw them forward a
short time into the future, to indicate some of the changes which regulators will have
to anticipate. We use the same cast of characters as for the 2006 scenario at the same
stages of life and social position.

We present 14 vignettes, entitled:
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Identity Control
Border Crossing
Managing Brandscapes
Cashless Shopping
Keeping Tabs on Kids
Total Social Solutions?
Driving Change
Friendly Flying Eyes in the Sky
The Unidentified Underclass
Virtual Tracking
Your Life is Our Business
Looking After You
The Hall of Mirrors
From "Keeping Tabs on Kids"....

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By 2016, mobility tagging and tracking have become a critical part of
Following a series of high profile cases in which pupils were either
lost, injured or killed, many primary schools and even nurseries, became very
concerned with keeping tabs on the whereabouts of their pupils to avoid legal
Within ten years more and more schools adopted drug testing, in
response to government policy aimed at identifying problem children early, tackling
poor attendance and improving concentration in class – important in the face of the
ever-present league tables.

The cashless card system in Toby's school took off, with most families using it as
a way of monitoring what their children ate. After three years, NSC, the
supermarket, bought the cashless card company, seeing it as a way in to lucrative
youth markets, building brand awareness by providing educational equipment. To
get the resources, the parents are now required to swipe their child's card at the
checkout, which identified the school, the pupil and the parent. The scheme funds
computer equipment, science equipment, musical instruments and sports equipment
for participating schools, providing their parents shop at NSC. The amount of
resources donated depends on the value of the parent's purchase. Some of NSC's
key suppliers from the food and drink conglomerates have begun to install their
vending machines in schools. Toby's school has continued with the scheme, and
every time some new equipment arrived, the prominent 'NSC' brand could easily be
The card has other uses too. The local education authority monitors the types of
food being consumed in Toby's school, and uses it to inform various 'healthy eating'
campaigns. The campaigns are also part of the authority's response to the
Department for Education's Citizenship education programme. This is because the
card has gradually became more integrated, not only holding data on the child's meal
purchases, but also on their attendance, record of achievement, extra curricular
activities, drugs test results, and Internet access. Records from the database attached
to the card are submissable as evidence of students' citizenship activities. Whilst the
increase of surveillance in schools has brought measurable benefits to the schools
and pupils themselves, children are gradually becoming socialised into accepting
body surveillance, location tracking and the remote monitoring of their dietary intake
as normal.
Hello folks,
I just wrote an article on this rumor for a french debunking site, "Hoaxbuster".
The french version of the Topinfopost has been circulating a lot in January. ("Europe : La puce électronique deviendrait obligatoire pour tous les bébés à partir de mai 2014")
French readers can read it and compare here for example :

On our forum we finally found the origin : an italian satirical website.

Italian debunkers had done the job before us.

A complete article will be posted on our site this week. The forum discussion can already be found here :

Briefly, the french and english translations overlooked some massive hints that the original writer was trolling them :
- "The chips are based on a passive NWO technology" > "NWO", right.
- It says that this is a decision made by an european body named "CCCP" (for "Comitato Consultivo per il Controllo della Popolazione"). Of course, it is impossible to find any trace of this group except in articles talking about this story.
However, CCCP is also the cyrillic acronym for "URSS".
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Hi there, i'm Brian.

Newbie to the forum but found it after this supposed post went viral on facebook. Got a few friends that are going crazy about this thinking it's real because ONE site posted it.

Try telling them it's not or anyone posts anything from "ou do know that the money behind snopes is George Soros who is the biggest single benefactor of our president...right?"

I agree that this story is complete crap, yet it lingers.

I was wondering what you all think of this site?

I researched the hell out of this story to find out it's not true, but don't know anything about that site.

Thanks and keep up the great work!
I was wondering what you all think of this site?

The site is fine, it's just a document repository. It's important to note though that it contains drafts of proposed legislation, like the one you've linked. People commonly make the mistake of seeing a draft and assuming it a) passed Congress, and b) was signed into law.

In this case, from Wikipedia:
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The Affordable Health Care for America Act (or HR 3962)[1] was a bill that was crafted by the United States House of Representatives in November 2009. It never became law as originally drafted. At the encouragement of the Obama administration, the 111th Congress devoted much of its time to enacting reform of the United States' health care system. Known as the "House bill," HR 3962 was the House of Representative's chief legislative proposal during the health reform debate.

On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed an alternative health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590).[2] In 2010, the House abandoned its reform bill in favor of amending the Senate bill (via the reconciliation process) in the form of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
There's another thread here on the forum which addresses this -- Debunked: Obamacare RFID Chip Implant Law Hoax
From what I understood of this story, the rumor said it was due to begin in march 2013. It obviously hasn't (no public announcement, nobody went to testify they had been implanted by force), and yet people continue to believe it ???
Is there now a new date ?
I have been looking at the commentaries on my article on FB ; a few french people are saying "they already do this in the USA, so it's true ! Wake up !!!" *groan*
(and of course you have to really insist for them to tell what they exactly mean by that and what their source is)
I was discussing with someone on Twitter how in the future a baby pacemaker might have an RFID chip in it, and I made this illustration of the things we were talking about:


The newer pacemakers are RF enabled, which means you could kind of consider them RFID devices. The RF (radio) is is used to communicate with the device, make adjustments, and get info back.

The point of this being that some people suggest that ANY kind of RFID implant is the start of a slippery slope. They don't really stop to consider exactly what is going on. The RF tech is actually useful here. Maybe life saving. But it's somehow got this evil overtone from "RF" and "implant".
Some version of this story are now accompanied by a story quoting a Dr Kilde, which actually is a recycling of an unrelated story from 2007, first published in "The Canadian", and repeated in Infowars ( (

Bunk from external source
Doctor alleges plans underway to "Microchip" Newborns in U.S. and Europe

Compiled by Lucien Desjardins

Regarding plans to microchip newborns, Dr. Kilde said the U.S. has been moving in this direction "in secrecy."

She added that in Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger.

I was emailed about this claim, and dug around a little and found the referenced document, which is titled in full: SOU 1972:47 (1972) Statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) 1972: 47. Data och integritet.

Can be downloaded from:

It's basically a government document on data privacy. Boring old-fashioned stuff.

Looking for the word "radio", "fånge" (prisoner) and vårdhem (nursing home) give a few hits, but I can't see anything about chip implants (obviously, as they had not been invented until the 1990s), but I was wondering what Kilde might have been referring to. Perhaps some kind of tracking device like an anklet.