Debunked: Geoengineering over Maui, Hawaii

Jay Reynolds

Senior Member.
After many weeks of emailing and calling, I was able to receive a copy of a study done by Dr. Lorrin Pang who had rainwater samples taken in Maui, checked for aluminum levels, and attempted to correlate them with sightings of "chemtrails". Dr. Pang is the Maui County Health Officer and is known as an environmental activist. He described this study in several videos here and here.

Dr. Pang told me that some public funds had been used for the study.

Here was his protocol:

Dr. Lorrin Pang said:
Background: There are claims that for the past several years' aircraft are spraying particles into the atmosphere (chemtrails). No agency admits to this. Scientists have claimed that chemtrails could be an effective, cheap way to counter global warming by reflecting back sunlight (and heat) into space. Chemicals used would be primarily aluminum with barium and strontium components. Another possibility is to use seawater. Californians who claimed that they have been repeatedly sprayed have noted high levels of aluminum in their water and soil. It is possible that nearby heavy industry has contaminated the air and dust with aluminum but researchers in California claim that rain water samples show a correlation of high aluminum levels with chemtrail observations. It is not clear what the side effects of chemtrails might be. It could have an unwanted effect on the environment or human health. Maui residents claim to see chemtrails used both visually and by remote radar sensing.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to see if the chemtrail observations (visual and radar) correlates with high levels of aluminum (barium and strontium) in rain water.

Methods: One group will make observations of chemtrail spraying (daily observations for 30 days). Another will collect rain samples (daily collections during the same 30 days). We will test the water samples at a laboratory in California to see if the highest aluminum levels correlate with the highest observations of spraying.


A. Water samples can be contaminated by contact with metal, maybe wood, and any chemicals (soap, toothpaste, etc.). Use only clean plastic and glass to touch the water.

B. Keep good records. Record accurately. If you miss a day or spill a sample this is not important. Just record accurately what went wrong.

What to do every day for 30 days (observe and record, collect a sample, rinse and set-up new cup):

1. Observe/record-In the book write the time and date. Look at the cup. Put a check mark if the cup was empty, partly filled or filled.

2. Collect a sample- if the jar is full collect it, cover it, write the date on the jar and store it. Go to #4.

3. If the jar is part full (or empty) rinse the funnel with enough water to fill the jar. Then cover it, write the date on the jar and store it. Go to #4.

4. Rinse – Rinse the funnel (with about 100 cc) – let the water drain to the ground.

5. Set up a new cup - Put in a new empty jar.

Call Dr. Pang if questions: 8701637.
Here is Dr. Pang's analysis for the study:

Dr. Lorrin Pang said:
3 May 2011 Chem trails analysis of data.

The working hypothesis is that there will be a positive correlation between observations (daily reports of visual or satellite images) and levels of aluminum in rainwater caught that day.

The Chem Trail observation diaries must be blinded to the laboratory results. We have the diary tallies of Manis but wait for the satellite image diaries of Bruce Douglas (he is having a hard time finding archives of the satellite images). The 24 hour rainfall collections were made daily at 8:00 am and their date of collection is recorded. Next to each collection is Manis's observation on a scale of high, medium or low which he later put on a scale of 4, 3, 2, 1 , with 4 being the highest. The dairy entry is for the previous day – for example if the collection was on the 10th Nov (8:00 am) the diary represents Manis observation the 9th. Also noted are whether the container was empty, partially full or full.

If we use 40 ug/liter (40 ppb) as elevated (the California standard) one can see that only 2 of the 26 samples were elevated, despite many days of high levels observed. If one sets a "cutoff" of 20 ppb as high or low, the 3 by 2 table analyzing for chi-square trend shows no correlation (P value of .41) of Mani's observations to aluminum levels. To get some idea of the statistical power to detect a trend the next 3 by 2 table shows that hypothetical numbers in this table would have "triggered" a finding of a positive correlation (P value of .05).

One can also imagine that heavy rains which fill the cup could dilute the aluminum levels. Perhaps we should only use data from partially filled containers. A 2 by 2 chi-square analysis of Full vs partially filled does not show it as a confounder for aluminum levels. Furthermore both high and low diary readings have full and partial collections. Thus the possibility of statistical confounding (unequal distribution and correlation to outcome) should be minimal.

I neither see elevated aluminum levels nor a more subtle correlation to observations from this data. It is possible that aluminum was not used during this period (sea water can be used to reflect sunlight). One could also adjust the data for longer lag periods (rainfall following spraying) but this would introduce other types of error.
Here's the data. I've converted the tables to images, as the forum formatting is a bit different.


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I an effort to get some details of the way that Bruce Douglas and Manis Martin evaluated the sky for Dr. Pang, I spoke to Bruce Douglas earlier this week. He told me:

-The University of Washington did not participate in the study. He had tried to use the UW GOES satellite archive, but was unable to use the resource to see what he wanted for some reason.

-He bases his observations of "spraying", which were not included for correlation in the study, on the amount of "stringy, weird looking clouds". His description sounds like cirrus clouds to me.

-He doesn't see linear trails from airplanes often, but has seen up to five at one time over Maui. I have been unable to find any such pictures over Maui, most just show one trail at a time.

-Manis Martin paid $2000.00 to get the samples in Pang's study tested at a lab.

-Manis Martin determined days that he believed "spraying" was taking place during the study by looking at haze in the sky.

I got the impression that while there are some trails seen, and some can be seen in photos and videos, there really aren't very many persistent contrails in Hawaii, and that both Martin and Douglas are stretching things by including ordinary clouds as evidence for "spraying".


Another example of Bruce Douglas' misunderstanding ordinary atmospheric occurrances was a major topic of our telephone discussion this week. His latest worry he calls "chem-bombs", in which he views satellite images, sees thunderstorm development and believes this to be some sort of bomb being set off at the ground level to do something. The images he is showing display ordinary thunderstorms which build into major cells high into the troposphere and the resulting high altitude winds shear off the thunderstorm tops.

When I asked Douglas what a satellite infrared image was showing, he had no idea that it detected temperature, he only knew that high altitude clouds appeared brighter in that type of imagery. Yes, high altitude clouds are colder and brighter. In this video he shows both satellite and ground video of an ordinary thunderstorm offshore in Hawaii, yet he calls it a chem-bomb. He also makes several remarkable statements such as when a water vapor loop shows intense rainstorms over Mexico, he claims moisture is being "sucked away" as the thunderstorm moves offshore.

Mind you that this study took place last spring and despite having full knowledge of it, Michael J. Murphy, Bruce Douglas, and Manis Martin have kept quiet about the conclusions reached. One last thing, for each of you mentioned here. The levels of aluminum found in the rainfall were extremely low considering that mainland aluminum measured in 1967 and 1973 were many many times higher, averaging 800 ug/L and the recent "chemtrail" rainfall samples average 484 ug/L. Bruce Douglas also mentioned to me that strontium should never be found in rainfall over Hawaii.

I think you had better take that up with Dr.Vitousek, who has been intensely studying atmospheric deposition in Hawaii for well over a decade.

Atmospheric strontium is derived mainly from marine aerosol.
Where can Dr.Pang's quotes be found? Thanks, Danny

I spoke to him on the phone and he sent me a copy via email. What I have posted here is a 100% copy of what he sent.
I believe this is the only place to view it online. Interesting that no chemtrail believer site has displayed it and certainly not Michael J. Murphy's Coalition Against Geoengineering. By the way, the average of all aluminum levels in the samples is 23.768 ug/L (micrograms per liter)
Shortly after my conversations with Pang andDouglas, I contacted Manis Martin by email. Having knowledge of the Pang results, he has lost interest in chemtrails.
Good for him.
That is good. I suppose it's pretty unlikely he could be persuaded to go on the record about that? Given his prominent role in WITWATS.
Interesting, but looks a big can of worms that no good can come from. That page sounds very reminiscent of those from people who think they are being "gang stalked" by shadowy groups in collusion with the authorities.


I think these are people who (to varying degrees) simply accept chemtrails as part of the vast conspiracy they imagine themselves subject to. Their lives would be no different if chemtrails were either admitted or unequivocally debunked.

I see that site has links to William Cooper:
Maui County Councilwoman Elle Cochran has corrected misinformation that she was involved with developing a County Ordinance to ban geoengineering;

In a recent audio interview, Michale J. Murphy falsely claims that Elle Cochran is sponsoring a "Blue Skies Ordinance":

Michael J. Murphy said:
@ 35:00 So, now we have a sponsor on the [Maui] County Board who is going to be sponsoring this bill

Murphy surely knows that Cochran has denied support for the bill, but nevertheless is falsely claiming otherwise.
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Judging from the YouTube videos, people in Maui need to take remedial earth science. There is a video that is classic, well......dumbass comedy, where someone is all hepped up about the NASA updated Cloud Chart. Apparently Maui has no natural clouds or weather, ever.
Really. I would put up a link, but think I should stop now before breaking the politeness clause here.;)
Nothing in Scott Stevens' wikipedia bio or his website, "WeatherWars," indicates a degree in meteorology or related subjects. He is a Pocatello native and worked for the local station for nine years. Does anyone have more information on him?
... and a food business called Pangaia's Pantree on Maui. Manis is a good friend of Michael J. Murphy who was featured in the movie "What In The world Are They Spraying".

Just an FYI @Jay Reynolds - Following this discussion #261 to here, I clicked the above link and found it's changed to a "Medical Research" site looking for funding.

Mind you that this study took place last spring and despite having full knowledge of it, Michael J. Murphy, Bruce Douglas, and Manis Martin have kept quiet about the conclusions reached. One last thing, for each of you mentioned here. The levels of aluminum found in the rainfall were extremely low considering that mainland aluminum measured in 1967 and 1973 were many many times higher, averaging 800 ug/L and the recent "chemtrail" rainfall samples average 484 ug/L. Bruce Douglas also mentioned to me that strontium should never be found in rainfall over Hawaii

If not already aware, you may also be interested in MJM's following quote @25:50 from a recent radio show
External Quote:
....he (Dr. Pang) told me a couple of years ago once you go up (to altitude) and do those tests (air sampling) there's no question in my mind that they will be spraying steam
MJM phrases it as if "spraying steam" would be a deliberate act of subterfuge to thwart their efforts to gather court-admissable evidence that chemtrails exist.
I wonder, seeing as you've had previous positive communications with Dr Pang, would it be possible to clarify his position. Does Dr Pang believe "they" will cover it up, as MJM is inferring or does he believe there really is nothing to find except "steam"? In which case, is this a concession that spraying "steam" (aka contrails) just happens to mimick what MJM think are chemtrails?