Jay Reynolds
Senior Member.
After many weeks of emailing and calling, I was able to receive a copy of a study done by Dr. Lorrin Pang who had rainwater samples taken in Maui, checked for aluminum levels, and attempted to correlate them with sightings of "chemtrails". Dr. Pang is the Maui County Health Officer and is known as an environmental activist. He described this study in several videos here and here.
Dr. Pang told me that some public funds had been used for the study.
Here was his protocol:
Dr. Pang told me that some public funds had been used for the study.
Here was his protocol:
Dr. Lorrin Pang said:Background: There are claims that for the past several years' aircraft are spraying particles into the atmosphere (chemtrails). No agency admits to this. Scientists have claimed that chemtrails could be an effective, cheap way to counter global warming by reflecting back sunlight (and heat) into space. Chemicals used would be primarily aluminum with barium and strontium components. Another possibility is to use seawater. Californians who claimed that they have been repeatedly sprayed have noted high levels of aluminum in their water and soil. It is possible that nearby heavy industry has contaminated the air and dust with aluminum but researchers in California claim that rain water samples show a correlation of high aluminum levels with chemtrail observations. It is not clear what the side effects of chemtrails might be. It could have an unwanted effect on the environment or human health. Maui residents claim to see chemtrails used both visually and by remote radar sensing.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to see if the chemtrail observations (visual and radar) correlates with high levels of aluminum (barium and strontium) in rain water.
Methods: One group will make observations of chemtrail spraying (daily observations for 30 days). Another will collect rain samples (daily collections during the same 30 days). We will test the water samples at a laboratory in California to see if the highest aluminum levels correlate with the highest observations of spraying.
A. Water samples can be contaminated by contact with metal, maybe wood, and any chemicals (soap, toothpaste, etc.). Use only clean plastic and glass to touch the water.
B. Keep good records. Record accurately. If you miss a day or spill a sample this is not important. Just record accurately what went wrong.
What to do every day for 30 days (observe and record, collect a sample, rinse and set-up new cup):
1. Observe/record-In the book write the time and date. Look at the cup. Put a check mark if the cup was empty, partly filled or filled.
2. Collect a sample- if the jar is full collect it, cover it, write the date on the jar and store it. Go to #4.
3. If the jar is part full (or empty) rinse the funnel with enough water to fill the jar. Then cover it, write the date on the jar and store it. Go to #4.
4. Rinse – Rinse the funnel (with about 100 cc) – let the water drain to the ground.
5. Set up a new cup - Put in a new empty jar.
Call Dr. Pang if questions: 8701637.