Debunked: Cruise Missile painted like American Airlines

Mick West

Staff member
I saw this fake photo on Facebook:


You'd think that nobody would fall for such a thing. But they do, and some even go as far as to suggest that this is what hit the Pentagon on 9/11

But it's a fake image, here's the original:


And that's actually a crop of this larger image:

Then there's this fake image:

Which similarly has a blank original:
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...or the blank images are the photoshopped ones. How does anyone know which came first. Photoshop can work wonders. But, in fact, photoshopping the missile solid grey to cover up the American Airlines decorations would be far easier than photoshopping it to make it look like an AA plane.
...or the blank images are the photoshopped ones. How does anyone know which came first. Photoshop can work wonders. But, in fact, photoshopping the missile solid grey to cover up the American Airlines decorations would be far easier than photoshopping it to make it look like an AA plane.

The fake (AA) images are smaller and lower resolution than the originals. They also have the black bars added over the eyes.

There's also evidence of poor photoshopping in the fakes, where the straps are left with a grey border, and the yellow line has been blended in with the AA livery.


The second fake image also has blending issues, and the tail logo is incorrect (it should not have text underneath).

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Good job, Mick.

Why not apply the EXACT same logic you used to successfully debunk these photos, to debunk the bullshit story of "planes" on 9/11? That is to say, you examined the pixels of these photos closely enough to see that unfortunate errors were made by the graphic artist. In this case, I think one of the big winning points here is the "red stripe" shown to be painted over the yellow strap, which physically holds the missile down. That is utterly impossible, so that along with the other mistakes should be enough to debunk these photos.

So why not apply your SAME attention to detail and logic shown here, to the famous "NOSED OUT" video that was seen on TV by billions of people. That famous video everyone saw on TV that day clearly shows a "plane" breaking through the front corner of WTC2 (south west corner to be exact) with its nose coming out the other side of the WTC2, in tact. Just much like the red paint on this missile cannot possibly be covering the yellow strap, since the yellow strap is exterior to (i.e. on top of) the missile. Only in the case of the video, its the opposite. The physical south west corner of WTC2, which is seen "in front" of the alleged crash point into WTC2, should not show it's angle breaking. Yet, sure as you proved that these photos cannot be real, your same logic proves that the WTC2 "plane crash" must also be fake, no matter that it was on "TV", and no matter how many people saw the video. Those two facts don't magically correct the glaring errors in the video, and physical impossibilities of that footage.

I suspect that you and your team already know all about the NOSED OUT video, but just in case, here it is:

No reply is needed. I've retired from arguing with people about 9/11, i just wanted to commend you on doing a good job of debunking this photo and hope you or maybe others will use your same logic and same techniques to debunk to infamous WTC2 "plane" crash on 9/11.

Best of luck, Mick.
Why not apply the EXACT same logic you used to successfully debunk these photos, to debunk the bullshit story of "planes" on 9/11?

Because it's a waste of time, and possibly counter-productive. No-planers are generally immune to logic, because they have their minds made up. It's an isolated fringe theory with no chance of spreading. And if I take it seriously then the more conventional truthers will accuse me of associating them with such theories (which they often considerer made up by the PTB to discredit the community).
Good job, Mick.

Why not apply the EXACT same logic you used to successfully debunk these photos, to debunk the bullshit story of "planes" on 9/11? That is to say, you examined the pixels of these photos closely enough to see that unfortunate errors were made by the graphic artist. In this case, I think one of the big winning points here is the "red stripe" shown to be painted over the yellow strap, which physically holds the missile down. That is utterly impossible, so that along with the other mistakes should be enough to debunk these photos.

So why not apply your SAME attention to detail and logic shown here, to the famous "NOSED OUT" video that was seen on TV by billions of people. That famous video everyone saw on TV that day clearly shows a "plane" breaking through the front corner of WTC2 (south west corner to be exact) with its nose coming out the other side of the WTC2, in tact. Just much like the red paint on this missile cannot possibly be covering the yellow strap, since the yellow strap is exterior to (i.e. on top of) the missile. Only in the case of the video, its the opposite. The physical south west corner of WTC2, which is seen "in front" of the alleged crash point into WTC2, should not show it's angle breaking. Yet, sure as you proved that these photos cannot be real, your same logic proves that the WTC2 "plane crash" must also be fake, no matter that it was on "TV", and no matter how many people saw the video. Those two facts don't magically correct the glaring errors in the video, and physical impossibilities of that footage.

I suspect that you and your team already know all about the NOSED OUT video, but just in case, here it is:

No reply is needed. I've retired from arguing with people about 9/11, i just wanted to commend you on doing a good job of debunking this photo and hope you or maybe others will use your same logic and same techniques to debunk to infamous WTC2 "plane" crash on 9/11.

Best of luck, Mick.

Anthony, do you serious believe no planes hit the trade centers? If so, where do you think the missing people from the planes that took off went to?
Good job, Mick.

Why not apply the EXACT same logic you used to successfully debunk these photos, to debunk the bullshit story of "planes" on 9/11? That is to say, you examined the pixels of these photos closely enough to see that unfortunate errors were made by the graphic artist. In this case, I think one of the big winning points here is the "red stripe" shown to be painted over the yellow strap, which physically holds the missile down. That is utterly impossible, so that along with the other mistakes should be enough to debunk these photos.

So why not apply your SAME attention to detail and logic shown here, to the famous "NOSED OUT" video that was seen on TV by billions of people. That famous video everyone saw on TV that day clearly shows a "plane" breaking through the front corner of WTC2 (south west corner to be exact) with its nose coming out the other side of the WTC2, in tact. Just much like the red paint on this missile cannot possibly be covering the yellow strap, since the yellow strap is exterior to (i.e. on top of) the missile. Only in the case of the video, its the opposite. The physical south west corner of WTC2, which is seen "in front" of the alleged crash point into WTC2, should not show it's angle breaking. Yet, sure as you proved that these photos cannot be real, your same logic proves that the WTC2 "plane crash" must also be fake, no matter that it was on "TV", and no matter how many people saw the video. Those two facts don't magically correct the glaring errors in the video, and physical impossibilities of that footage.

I suspect that you and your team already know all about the NOSED OUT video, but just in case, here it is:

No reply is needed. I've retired from arguing with people about 9/11, i just wanted to commend you on doing a good job of debunking this photo and hope you or maybe others will use your same logic and same techniques to debunk to infamous WTC2 "plane" crash on 9/11.

Best of luck, Mick.

I don't need to see a video or have some anonymous You Tube poster tell me what to think because I saw it first hand.
I read somewhere a couple weeks ago that someone who believed this "no plane" idea said that catapults were used to spread plane debris around the WTC, catapults...ugh
Because it's a waste of time, and possibly counter-productive. No-planers are generally immune to logic, because they have their minds made up. It's an isolated fringe theory with no chance of spreading. And if I take it seriously then the more conventional truthers will accuse me of associating them with such theories (which they often considerer made up by the PTB to discredit the community).
You wrote this in May 2013.
My perception in summer and fall 2015, on Facebook, is that no-planery is becoming more and more mainstream among the remnants of 9/11 Truth.
There is a new group "EUROPE for 9/11 Truth". Before I was kicked out of there, I postes a poll asking people if they think there were real planes
a) at all 4 crash sites
b) Pentagon an WTC
c) WTC only
d) all planes faked
And actually a majority klicked d), with c) the next most numerous option.
I observe that even among leading truthers, Pentagon no-planers are gaining the upper hand - AE911Truth for example doesn't dare opposing that; 911Blogger, which always had a strict no-no-planer policy, seems to be allowing more and more posts that suggest openness about "doubts" to planes.

I think this is because all the half sane truthers are dropping out of the movement, tacitly acknowledging that they have nothing, and only the fully-insane remain who cannot but believe the darndest things.
My perception in summer and fall 2015, on Facebook, is that no-planery is becoming more and more mainstream among the remnants of 9/11 Truth.
It's part of a growth process of conspiracy theories. The longer they're around the farther they slide towards the fringe as the more reasonable people either accept answers (in the early phase when there are still genuine questions to be answered) or move on to trendier conspiracies. There was a time when the belief that it was a false flag was fringe-of-the-fringe in a movement that mostly believed it was a genuine outside attack on the US, just not by the people who were officially blamed.

Given enough time there may well come a day when even the no-planers dwindle and space lasers become the dominant theory or it becomes rolled into the whole hollow earth reptilian thing.
There is a small part of me that wants that picture without the text on it... while the rest of me wonders how much it would cost to have a doctor cut that part off.
Seriously? You take the time to alter a standard military UAV into something spooky from American Airlines...

but you don't have a minute to Photoshop a couple "chemtrails" into that big, juicy sky? (Gettin' lazy, CTs...)
That is undulatus clouds, which is already considered an artificial cloud type created by geoengineering.