I watched the full CNN video. There's a lot of issues with it. (Info - I'm an experienced sailor and boat operator)
The man doing the talking is perfectly tracking the motion of the boat he's standing on. Even as the boat tracks over the wake of the destroyer. In the latter third of the video, when the boat he's on rolls over a wake, it makes a strong rolling left and right motion. It's virtually impossible to stand still when that is happening, and this guy does not move AT ALL. Watch his left hip in relation to the railing. He never reaches out for the railing, he never missteps, he never moves. When a boat moves like that, you always change your stance and shift forward and back (a wide stance can prevent steps, but you always step forward and back - your feet can't keep you perfectly upright). Around the 3 minute mark the boat is rolling 15 degrees to either side, and he never budges.
The artifacts around the man in relationship to the water are unusual. Even in the screencap above note the discoloration around him.
The entire piece looks like it was shot from a boat paralleling the destroyer, and the man was added in.
Other issues. They're moving at a good 12 knots at least. There's no wind noise, no sound of the engines from the other two boats (or the one he's standing on), no wake noise (On the bow of a boat that size, there's a helluva racket coming from the prow cutting the water). At 3:05 a large coast guard-ish chase boat passes, and there's not a hint of motor noise. At one point he turns into the wind, and there's noise on the mic - but even with that, the unnatural lack of movement by him when the boat is rolling triggers my "How the hell is he standing so perfectly still? This doesn't look or feel right..."
It's possible I'm being overly critical, and I can chalk this to "that's how it came out". I'm a cynic - I don't take anything at face value, and not even remotely a CT nut, and I don't take this as a conspiracy add in. I take it as "this would be more compelling if the guy were there." This would'nt be the first time a news organization has altered a video to make it more compelling, I had hopes CNN would be above this.
(BTW, source for this line of thought was here:
http://www.cracked.com/article_24478_5-times-faking-news-was-apparently-totally-cool.html - where this video was referenced)