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Claim: Putin placing "nuclear forces" on high alert is a translation error (false)
Putting the deterrence forces on high alert does put the nuclear forces on high alert.
External Quote:Als Reaktion auf die #Sanktionen gegen den #Kreml versetzt der russische Präsident heute die Abwehr-Streitkräfte seines Landes in Alarmbereitschaft. (Unser Dolmetscher sagt Atom-Streitkräfte, das ist aber wohl nicht korrekt.)
Other news outlets have translated this as "deterrence forces". The Russian news agency TASS reported it like this:External Quote:In response to the sanctions against the Kremlin, the Russian president has put the defense forces of his country on high alert. (Our translator says "nuclear forces", but that seems to be incorrect.)
Article: "Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Army General Sergey Shoigu reported to Russian Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin that in accordance with his decree, the alert teams of the command posts of the Strategic Missile Force, the Northern and Pacific Fleets and the military command of long-range aviation had switched to enhanced combat alert," the ministry said.
The Russian leader said at a meeting with Defense Minister Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov in the Kremlin on February 27 that "top officials of leading NATO countries also allow themselves to make aggressive pronouncements towards our country" and thus ordered to put the Russian Army's deterrence forces on high alert. The Kremlin meeting took place amid Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. Moscow commenced the operation in response to a request from the heads of the Donbass republics for assistance.
The Russian strategic deterrence forces are intended to deter aggression against Russia and its allies and rout an aggressor in a war with the use of various armaments, including nuclear weapons. They comprise the strategic offensive and defensive forces.
The Russian strategic offensive forces armed with intercontinental missile and airborne systems are based on the strategic nuclear forces that embrace the Strategic Missile Force. They also comprise strategic conventional forces as dual-purpose troops: units and formations of strategic and long-range bombers, and also submarines, surface ships and Russian naval missile-carrying aircraft with long-range conventional precision weapons.
The Russian strategic defensive forces are based on combat-ready troops of the Aerospace Force that integrates the missile attack early warning system, the space control system, the anti-ballistic missile, space and air defense systems.
Putting the deterrence forces on high alert does put the nuclear forces on high alert.