Claim: Pareidolia is bias

both definitions place pareidolia as an act of perception, of seeing
what is seen is
(1) something that exists
(2) a pattern/image/meaning that does not exist
Again, I disagree that that description applies to the contrived ones. *By definition* the meaning *does* exist, as it was *explicitly* put there by the artist.
Is an half Face also Parodeilia?
If it is not an actual face, or an actual representation of one, yes. Pareidolia need not even be a fae, it involves seeing something in an image that is not actually there,
pareidolia godzilla.JPG

That, for example, is not Godzilla.

Pareidolia is not always faces, but it very often IS because our brains love to find faces.
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It occurs to me that while pareidolia might be an individual's interpretation of a stimulus, the illusion has to be shared by a certain threshold of people for it to gain any traction—like with the Cydonia "face." I felt sure others would see half-lit hooded Kobold keeping watch through my window, but no...
Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 23.56.45.jpg
It occurs to me that while pareidolia might be an individual's interpretation of a stimulus, the illusion has to be shared by a certain threshold of people for it to gain any traction—like with the Cydonia "face." I felt sure others would see half-lit hooded Kobold keeping watch through my window, but no...
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I kept trying to make a face out of the coffee bag clip. :confused: