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Youtuber Dutchsinse makes severe weather forecasts based on radar anomalies. He claims that the anomalies are "frequency manipulation" of the atmosphere. Most often the images he posts are due to anomalous propagation, ground clutter, or flying animals be they birds, bats, or bugs. There is a field of study now known as Radar Ornithology in which ornithologists are using weather and other radar to study the timing, speed, altitude, etc... of bird migrations. Flying animals can appear as discrete patches near the radar when individual flocks appear or as a generic low density "cloud" of returns surrounding the entire radar site. Dutch refers to the "cloud" of returns as "Circle Sweeps". Fall and Spring are prime time for such returns as mass bird migrations occur at night when the conditions are favorable.
Posts #51 and #52 in the thread "Debunked: HAARP rings/scalar squares, etc. validated in paper from Stanford" addressed the phenomenon of nocturnal ground clutter associated with migrating birds. Post #52 gives both an example of Dutch's erroneous interpretation of the national radar mosaic and a birdwatcher/ornithologist's correct interpretation.
During the vernal migrations, numerous species will move at night in large numbers under favorable wind conditions. Waves of birds will move on northerly winds from now into November with activity often peaking behind cold fronts when the NW winds are most favorable for southerly migration. Anything that flies through the path of a weather radar will reflect the signal and may show as a return on the screen. Mass bird migrations fill the lower elevations of the radar sweep with a low density return that shows as static-looking noise centered around the radar, Dutch's "circle sweep". The filtered data will will often show "rings" around the radars and Intellicast will often delete the non-precipitation returns from mosaics resulting in square holes in the display that Dutch refers to as "scalar squares".
The fall migration is beginning. I heard warblers yesterday evening during my run along the St. Johns River here in Florida. The species I heard do not breed here and it was the first I've heard from them since last spring when they migrated through on their way north.
Bird watchers up north have noted their movement. Here is a report from Indiana. And some of the birds have apparently arrived already in the woodlands along my river.
So the nocturnal clutter will move into its fall maximum soon and Dutch will likely notice and start to make "forecasts" based on his assumption that the non-precipitation returns are some kind of "energy" that the radars are either emitting or picking up (He is inconsistent on that point). When he does post such videos, notice the position of the "Circle Sweeps" in relationship to the weather systems. Most of the time they will follow the fronts in the fall as opposed to the spring when they precede fronts. This is because the birds are using the prevailing winds to move south and north respectively.
Here are some examples of birds on radar from last fall's migration:
The current national composites from the last three nights show a lot of nocturnal clutter on the back side of the trough that has be over the eastern US. All three images are from 0200 UTC. The clutter co-occurs with the northerly winds and moves behind the slow moving weather system in the east.
Posts #51 and #52 in the thread "Debunked: HAARP rings/scalar squares, etc. validated in paper from Stanford" addressed the phenomenon of nocturnal ground clutter associated with migrating birds. Post #52 gives both an example of Dutch's erroneous interpretation of the national radar mosaic and a birdwatcher/ornithologist's correct interpretation.
During the vernal migrations, numerous species will move at night in large numbers under favorable wind conditions. Waves of birds will move on northerly winds from now into November with activity often peaking behind cold fronts when the NW winds are most favorable for southerly migration. Anything that flies through the path of a weather radar will reflect the signal and may show as a return on the screen. Mass bird migrations fill the lower elevations of the radar sweep with a low density return that shows as static-looking noise centered around the radar, Dutch's "circle sweep". The filtered data will will often show "rings" around the radars and Intellicast will often delete the non-precipitation returns from mosaics resulting in square holes in the display that Dutch refers to as "scalar squares".
The fall migration is beginning. I heard warblers yesterday evening during my run along the St. Johns River here in Florida. The species I heard do not breed here and it was the first I've heard from them since last spring when they migrated through on their way north.
Bird watchers up north have noted their movement. Here is a report from Indiana. And some of the birds have apparently arrived already in the woodlands along my river.
Warblers are on the Move
To me it doesn't matter if it is the spring or the fall, I always get excited when warblers are migrating through Indiana. Luckily for me, I have been able to get out birding several times over the last few days and the warblers have not disappointed me. Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis is good during spring migration but is phenomenal during the fall. I find myself checking the radar every night to see if migration is strong and then trying to figure out how much time I will have to look for warblers at Eagle Creek the next morning. With migration being driven by the north winds that we have had this week, we have found around 20 species of warblers as well as several other migrants.
So the nocturnal clutter will move into its fall maximum soon and Dutch will likely notice and start to make "forecasts" based on his assumption that the non-precipitation returns are some kind of "energy" that the radars are either emitting or picking up (He is inconsistent on that point). When he does post such videos, notice the position of the "Circle Sweeps" in relationship to the weather systems. Most of the time they will follow the fronts in the fall as opposed to the spring when they precede fronts. This is because the birds are using the prevailing winds to move south and north respectively.
Here are some examples of birds on radar from last fall's migration:
The current national composites from the last three nights show a lot of nocturnal clutter on the back side of the trough that has be over the eastern US. All three images are from 0200 UTC. The clutter co-occurs with the northerly winds and moves behind the slow moving weather system in the east.
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