Active Member
Then why are you wasting time here attempting to shame everyone else who is exploring different ways of viewing the situation? There's another thread about the Calvine photo without the reflection hypothesis.I can't believe people are still advocating a crazy 'reflection' theory that is about as far from Occam's infamous razor, and involves as many absurd manipulations and machinations, as it is possible to get. I recall the old show Catch Phrase that used to have the phrase 'Say what you see....' repeated often. I think people have gotten so hung up on the 'reflection' theory that they can no longer see the wood for the trees and cannot 'say what they see' that is quite patent and obviously there.
Everyone agrees those are clouds. Clouds reflect in water. Here's a neat picture looking out over a lake. The clouds show up clearly in the water, right? Nothing weird about it or particularly hard to comprehendI'm not clear why one has to posit that the entire thing is a reflection, solely based on the 'UFO' being somewhat ( though not entirely, as I have mentioned ) symmetrical. It's a lot easier and more sense to accept the background as what it looks like...clouds...and dismiss the 'UFO' as a model dangling from a tree. I suspect the Harrier may be genuine.....they often used to over-fly that area on training missions.
Now we can take a similar picture of a boat floating in the water
Note the reflection: where's the interior of the boat? Where's the red? The reflection, surrounded by clouds, is completely different.
Here's a picture of a weird landmass UFO floating over the trees. It's in the clouds so it must be floating in the sky right?
Well no, I just zoomed in and cropped this picture
If you imagine the photographer was standing under a tree with the branch's coming into the frame from above that's the approximate orientation we're talking about in this thread. Although i suspect the Calvine photo was close to the water. Perhaps you didn't read the thread but I posted this image approximating the possible orientation using a street view location from near where the boys went for a walk (the flotsam is just random garbage i pasted on the photo to approximate where the object(s) could have been)
Lastly just to demonstrate how easy it is to trick the mind, you probably had no problem perceiving the first picture i posted above of the lake with reflected clouds. But if we zoom out a bit…
We have a boat hanging in the sky.
Because I had flipped and cropped it
Your brain literally can't tell the difference with many reflections like that.
It's possible the jet was flying low over the Loch or it's a couple pieces of garbage that look like something else. Or they faked it entirely and the jet is a floating toy. The ufo could be something like a partly submerged box or an outcropping of rock? For me personally the angle of the fence posts align more with the downward looking reflection hypothesis in my mind but it could be something hanging from a string etc.
There's another thread without the reflection idea if you'd prefer avoiding it!