Apollo 11 and 12 Lunar Module Images From The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Ingrid Delaney

New Member
I don't know if this has already been posted or not, but I just wanted to post this article in relation to the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory, that says we did not go to the Moon. I thought this was good information on the matter.

-This is an article from India Today that shows photos of the Apollo 11 and 12 Lunar Modules that were left on the Moon. The photos are from the Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter from India, that were captured in 2021.
Source: https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/when-chandrayaan-2-found-neil-armstrongs-apollo-lander-on-the-moon-2517826-2024-03-21

-The raw image data was processed by the BackyardAstronomyGuy, where he outlines the raw data images and any processing that was done (crop, adjust, highlight, etc.) He also provides instructions on how to download and locate the raw data yourself.
Source: https://www.backyardastronomyguy.com/apollo-isro

Source: https://www.backyardastronomyguy.com/apollo-isro

Source: https://www.backyardastronomyguy.com/apollo-isro
Yup it also corroborates this one


External Quote:
LROC low-altitude image of the Apollo 12 landing site. The Lunar Module descent stage, Apollo Lunar Science Experiment Package (ALSEP), and Surveyor III spacecraft are all visible along with astronaut tracks. Image is 275 meters wide, north is up, M175 428601LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
he photos are from the Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter from India, that were captured in 2021.
I was interested to see the shadow showing something projecting up from the LM descent stage. I had never realized that the deflectors shielding the DS from the exhaust of the thrusters on the Ascent Stage were attached to the DS and stayed there -- makes sense, no point in hoisting that extra mass back to lunar orbit, it just never crossed my mind.

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Excellent post, and you'd think this kind of thing would put the conspiracy theories to bed, but no.

Some background: as someone who checks ISRO's Chandrayaan-2 site at least once a day I can claim to be one of the first people (if not the first) outside ISRO to download and process the OHRC photos of Apollo 11 & 12.

The OHRC's camera is intended to work in lower light conditions, and I believe the two Apollo sites were imaged as a means of checking that the camera was working as intended. Space agencies often use Apollo hardware and data as a way of 'ground-truthing' their own lunar probes.

Prominent Apollo conspiracy theorists have claimed that the files were downloaded by at NASA facilities, as India don't have the capability, but this is false. The file naming conventions used indicate that the files were downloaded by ISRO's DSN facility at Bangalore.

Another claim is that the India released low resolution versions of the images via a web presentation that made the Apollo 11 craft look more like the 3 legged Surveyor probe in September 2021. NASA then supposedly bullied ISRO into releasing doctored images in January 2022 on their public site that more accurately replicated the actual landing craft. The fly in the ointment of that argument is that higher resolution images were shown in a web presentation in June of 2021 - just 2 months after they were taken.

I've attached screengrabs of those presentations, and they can be seen here:

Source: https://youtu.be/T8oV-Kx26no?t=3634

Source: https://youtu.be/vQj6oKgKeKc?t=5091

Both Chandrayaan-1 and 2's lower resolution Terrain Mapping Camera have also imaged other Apollo landing sites, but they tend only to show evidence of human activity in the form of disturbed ground rather than hardware.


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