Anyone want to try to figure out where this track is?

Unbelievable. Standing on a field watching obvious aircraft fly over and being baffled by it.

The text box says she's in Union. Just guessing, but here is the field at Kean University in Union NJ. Lots of blue, maybe not the one in the video:


Kean University, as is all of Union NJ, is pretty close to Newark International:


And there's a lot of plane heading into Newark EWR:


Heres the Union High School field with the red track to match the video. Looks like when the Google map was recorded the field was being redone:


It's a little hard on FlightAware, but Union HS should be about here:


And appear to be under the approach to Teterboro:


So, very busy skies over Union NJ it would seem.
A comment on screen says something about "I'm in Union", so I was seeing if it could be the Union HS, but it can't be. The place she's in has trees right next to the tracks behind one of the goals, but the football field in Union HS has parking to one side and a baseball field to the other.
Indian Hills High in Oakland is 20 miles from Union:


So again, is she a travel blogger too dumb to know where she's at and too clueless to know what airplanes are? Something she flies on all the time it would seem. Did she not put the right location into the text box? Even so, it would still mean she doesn't know what incoming aircraft look and sound like.

Or is she deliberately being misleading about where she is so she can be deliberately misleading about what she's seeing? She wants clicks and views and the NJ drone flap is currently a big story, so she involved herself in it.
Or is she deliberately being misleading about where she is so she can be deliberately misleading about what she's seeing? She wants clicks and views and the NJ drone flap is currently a big story, so she involved herself in it.
I can't imagine NJ is typically a hotspot for travel blogger destinations. Her typical destinations are a bit more exotic than that, judging by her IG.
They make airplane sights, smells, touches and presumably tastes as well, though I cannot recall ever having tasted a plane. But yeah, in general: if a lane does it, these do it as well...
So again, is she a travel blogger too dumb to know where she's at and too clueless to know what airplanes are? Something she flies on all the time it would seem. Did she not put the right location into the text box? Even so, it would still mean she doesn't know what incoming aircraft look and sound like.
I completely understand your frustration, but it's important to remember misperception isn't necessarily tied to intelligence, especially when outside of a cognitive process or information domain the person typically engages with. The fact is most people before this drone flap never actually paid close attention to what things look like in the sky. Now that they've been primed with videos of "drones" it's what they are perceiving and we should expect that.

Or is she deliberately being misleading about where she is so she can be deliberately misleading about what she's seeing? She wants clicks and views and the NJ drone flap is currently a big story, so she involved herself in it.
I wish that were the case, but sadly, the hysteria seems to have spread so far that tons of regular, non-clout seeking people are getting caught up in it too. Her emotions do seem genuine.

Always best to assume good faith until proven otherwise in my opinion!
I would not put it past a travel blogger to make themselves sound stupid if it meant getting more clicks and visits. Who of us had heard of her before this?
I completely understand your frustration, but it's important to remember misperception isn't necessarily tied to intelligence, especially when outside of a cognitive process or information domain the person typically engages with.

Agreed. However, I do set a slightly higher bar for people that in essence use their personal experiences for income or increased notoriety. If some random person post jets as drones, fair enough. If the post(s) are related to increasing ones' online presence, particularly for financial gain, then their posts are subject to a bit more scrutiny, IMO.

In this case, she is supposedly a travel blogger so the 2 things she got wrong in her video, the location and jets heading into an airport, I would suggest are right in her wheelhouse and not out of her "cognitive process".

Yes, one could argue that in her travels she's never really seen or heard jets coming into an airport. She arrives by taxi or Uber, enters straight into the terminal, then the jetway and onto the aircraft without ever seeing what goes on.

Yes, I will admit to a level of frustration that someone can record jets overhead and say they actual sound like jets but infer they're something else. And, (here's where I sound like a Boomer telling the kids to get off my lawn), I find these TicTok like presentation very annoying, such that just trying to figure out what's going on requires multiple views of a moving camera, with an incorrect text box floating around, a list of "like" and "share" buttons, Asian letters of some kind along the bottom along with running subtitles all of which does little to impart any useful information, or what info is there is wrong.

Always best to assume good faith until proven otherwise in my opinion!

You are absolutely correct, so I stand corrected.

Maybe not enough to delete my post, but I did get a bit snarky.

I suppose it's possible she just happened to be in North NJ, listed the wrong town on her video and really doesn't know what jets look or sound like.:confused: Maybe.

I don't think she's a Poe. In this video, she keeps saying, "It just goes on and on and on." Just as she does about the ordinary air traffic; which seems to mean it's an habitual thing for her.

So here you see big busts of Lenin 'n'... uh... Soviet guys...
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OK. Some more corrections on my part, that hopefully the youngsters and more media savvy folks can explain. The girl is not claiming to be in Union NJ. Due to the cluttered nature of feeds like this, one has to look closely to see the comment about Union, is just that, a comment from someone other than the presenter. Someone chiming in because this was live, I assume?

The X post in the OP is from Red Panada Koloa. Red Panada is NOT the girl in the video. Red Panda is UFO promoter on X and YouTube, so who is the girl? @TEEJ found her as Katie Caf on TicTok. So, multiple layers here. She does have other posts of obvious aircraft that she says isn't, even when pilots chime in and say it is.

I hate sharing TicTok, but here is an obvious aircraft. Her counter in the comments is that this has propellers that can be seen once zoomed in. I don't see them, but others pointed out that something like a C130 would in fact have propellers and not be a drone. She seemed to ignore that:


Hard to say what she really thinks.