I was wondering if the YouTube comments would shed any light.
Oh, boy. So many believers who seem incapable of asking themselves the most obvious question in the world: So this means you will now be able to empty all the children's hospitals in Brazil, right?
To the rare skeptic, there was one comment that I loved the most: "How is it fake?"
LOL. That's not the way this works. The only applicable question is: How TF would this be real? The young girl doesn't even express as much as an ounce of surprise, relief, joy or even curiosity over her leg suddenly increasing in length—bones, muscle, arteries, skin...voila! No biggie.
But I am genuinely interested to know the secret to this sleight of hand, for one very specific reason.
When I was 13 or 14 years old, my best friend at the time told me of witnessing the same exact thing at some religious gathering that his parents had brought him to. They were deep into the 700 Club of Jim and Tammy Bakker and everything that went along with that. I never believed the "miracle leg" story at the time, but I also never forgot about it. I think my friend believed it, but was probably too young to make much sense of what he witnessed, so it wasn't exactly a life-altering experience for him.
It's obviously a decades-old tried and true method of convincing some (and raising money!), and yet I've never once heard of
anyone walking into a legitimate hospital, anywhere or anytime, and pulling off (no pun intended) such a maneuver on a verified patient. I'm pretty sure that would make the news.
So now I'll see if I can dig up a proper magician's explanation...