Senior Member
Discussion of the draft release of report on this project now here:
AE911T has a new site layout. Under "What you can do" - "Membership", I found the following:
External Quote:Be part of our ambitious 2015 agenda
1. New Research Initiatives -
• Conduct sophisticated computer modeling of World Trade Center Building 7 to demonstrate, first, the impossibility of the collapse initiation mechanism put forth by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and, second, that a controlled demolition controlled more readily replicates the observed destruction.
- January 28 2015 AE911 Newsletter Announcement: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=d03bf3ffcac549c7dc7888ef5&id=340cf2655f&e=[UNIQID http://archive.is/8rLKG
- Ditto, on AE911 Site: http://action.ae911truth.org/o/50694/t/0/blastContent.jsp?email_blast_KEY=1309110 http://archive.is/YXrZo
- WTC7Evaluation.org web site for the study: http://www.wtc7evaluation.org/
- Phd student Zhili Quan's 2015 work diary (ends 9/7/2015): https://www.metabunk.org/sk/Work_Diary_from_Zhili.docx
- Phd student Feng's 2015 work diary: https://www.metabunk.org/attachments/work-diary-from-feng-xlsx.28292/
- Archived copy of 2015 Membership drive http://archive.is/ZR9S5
- Start of discussion on Sept 6 2017 Hulsey presentation. https://www.metabunk.org/posts/210466/
- Video of Hulsey's Sept 6 presentation: (link)
- Hulsey's Slides from Sept 6 2017 Presentation: https://www.metabunk.org/attachment...valuation_progress-report_2017-9-7-pdf.28824/
- NCSTAR1-9, Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7 (797 pages)
https://www.metabunk.org/files/NCSTAR_1-9_WTC7_unlocked.pdf - NCSTAR1-A, Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (130 pages https://www.metabunk.org/files/NCSTAR 1-A Final WTC7 Report_unlocked.pdf
- NCSTAR 1-9A, Global Structural Analysis of the Response of World Trade Center Building 7 to Fires and Debris Impact Damage (173 Pages) https://www.metabunk.org/files/NCSTAR 1-9A 861612.pdf
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