Search results

  1. Bruno D.

    9/11 Sounds of Explosions Not being Recorded

    1 - Can you provide a single video from any controlled demolitions around the world showing multi-ton framing sections being ejected laterally at speeds up to 70mph? 2 - Can you provide a single video from 9/11 showing the same intensity of explosion sounds as any other videos from any other...
  2. Bruno D.

    Debunked: Tianjin explosion was caused by a nuke

    Master Claim: Tianjin explosion was a Nuke. Subclaims: Claim #1: crater size is evidence of nuke Some sources claim that the crater size is as big as 400m, which is completely wrong. Best estimates are between 85m and 100m as seen in the image below. By using google maps at...
  3. Bruno D.

    Debunked: Virginia Journalist Shooter is a White Man

    Lots of sites are claiming: ... The killer’s hand was white. I’ve been assured in the original video you could clearly see the killer was not black ... Let's analyze some photos, always baring in mind that the colors in a photo change A LOT because of different lighting in different...
  4. Bruno D.

    Chocolate Diet hoax - interesting case about junk science

    This John Bohannon journalist guy created a hoax - chocolate actually makes you loose weight - published it to "scientific journals", and they accepted that with no peer-review. The call wasn’t a complete surprise. The year before, I had run a sting operation forScience on fee-charging open...
  5. Bruno D.

    The 9/11 rabbit hole

    I am a member of Metabunk since 2013. I think I started visiting 1 year before that. Curiously it was not Metabunk that brought me out of the rabbit hole, it was YouTube. YouTube made me go both ways. ;-) I am from Brazil (now living here in US), and as it sometimes happened to many foreigners...
  6. Bruno D.

    9/11: Are "Let It Happen" theories debunkable?

    Before describing the claim, I'd like to say that I have no idea why Truthers do not try to "convince the world" about conspiracies using much simpler methods, like undebunkable theories, like the one below. Claim: - A few people from the government (and CIA, and FBI and others) knew something...