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  1. Hama Neggs

    Axis shift nonsense making the rounds again

    Art Bell unfortunately made a couple of references to this on his show and it's apparently making the rounds again. A search for this quote gets a lot of hits: "All the elders confirmed that the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted toward the North."...
  2. Hama Neggs

    Where does "Scientist" end and "debunker" begin?

    Where does "scientist" end and "debunker" begin?
  3. Hama Neggs

    Can you make contrails with just ice nuclei, and what would that look like?

    A current CT claim is that it is "nano-particles" which are being "sprayed" an it is that which creates what WE call contrails, which THEY call "chemtrails". It got me wondering whether that has any merit. Can the mere introduction of condensation nuclei trigger a contrail?
  4. Hama Neggs

    Cross in the sky

    I've seen several recounts of this story in the last few days. It's interesting to note the quote claiming that the cross "had formed in a completely blue sky" when it is clear from the pic that there was a lot of other cirrus present and/or forming. Exaggeration to make the event more...
  5. Hama Neggs

    NASA on artificial cloud proliferation

    This is being cited as evidence that, er.... well, I'm not sure what is being claimed about it, but 'they' are tossing in around. Especially this line: "Even small changes in the abundance or location of clouds could change the climate more than the anticipated changes caused by greenhouse...
  6. Hama Neggs

    Debunked: Chemtrails "Inserted" into Films [Footage reused in modern advertisement]

    There is a claim circulating that chemtrails are being inserted into visual media in order to make the public become accustomed to seeing them. Here are a couple of versions of a vid being cited as proof of this, looking at a 2005 ad for Virgin Trains that uses from footage from the 1970 film...
  7. Hama Neggs

    Mike Glynn debates Peter Kusznir with Madisonstar Moon Madisonstar Moon 8 hours ago Tonight Peekay22 will be debating debunker Michael Glynn on our show at 11pm Eastern time. This was the article written about Peter (Peekay22) that he spoke of on our last show concerning Michael Glynn...
  8. Hama Neggs

    Challenge from Dane Wigington

    Hi all I have joined so I could alert the members about a challenge being put forth by chemtrail advocate Dane Wigington. He states that no one will take him up on his challenge for debate. I'm not sure how anyone could reach him in response, but somebody from here should take him up on it...