Z.W. Wolf
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    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf replied to the thread Phoenix Lights.
      I've found a video - Michael Tanner Skywatch International UFO Conference There are at least two witnesses telling their stories, but I don't have time to get to this today.
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf replied to the thread Phoenix Lights.
      Hold on a minute. What we don't know... -Are these actors pretending to be witnesses and this is all scripted malarkey? -Are these witnesses whose story has grown more dramatic over the years? That's known to happen, you know... even when...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf replied to the thread Phoenix Lights.
      These witness testimony scenes are recycled from an earlier (2003) Fox thing called Out of the Blue. Cued to the introduction of UFO Investigator Michael Tanner comes in: Were these witnesses selected from the "roughly 800 reports from...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf replied to the thread Phoenix Lights.
      This documentary has no credibility. That's the answer to why this angular size estimate is such an outlier. C'mon.
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf replied to the thread Phoenix Lights.
      Could we have the source of this estimate? By source I mean, where was it first published? I'd like to see the original witness statement... not a paraphrase. What is the witness name, and witness location? Time?
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Whatever it was, it wasn't a meteor. My best guess is that it was an aircraft with contrail. The color(s) might be explained by refraction effects.
      • 011-boeing-777-contrail-small-1.jpg
    • Z.W. Wolf
      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathological_science#:~:text=Pathological science, as defined by,expectancy effect and cognitive bias). The present case, as described by john.phil, hits a lot of those beats. N-rays are an infamous example of...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      From the video presentation of what they have done, they seem to have fallen into the same trap as the EmDrive. They were registering minute forces in the range of [μN] (see figures below), initially using a torsional pendulum, whilst working...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Clarify please. This is the way I read this: Gallimore believes that the places and beings encountered during DMT adventures have an independent existence - as Africa and Africans exist, even though I've never been there. But he's an agnostic...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Passion aside, the issue seems to be chemistry and psychopharmacology versus experience. Gallimore seems to me to be saying that the DMT experience is unique. Gallimore's scientific credentials and research are relevant when limited to the...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      This short clip was ambiguous, so I've been looking at YT videos to see what Gallimore is really saying. After a short while it was evident to me that he believes what this source says...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf reacted to john.phil's post in the thread Deinterlacing The Navy UAP Videos with
      His goal is to produce a clean and consistent geometry, regardless of what it represents, so other algorithms would not be thrown off by artefacts, improving the accuracy of the analysis of the Gimbal footage.
    • Z.W. Wolf
      This has not been publicized by the big news channels for what I know, but there are reprots Israel launched its (very limited, yet biting) retaliation attack against Iran...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Z.W. Wolf reacted to logicbear's post in the thread Deinterlacing The Navy UAP Videos with
      This is what frame 984 of Gimbal looks like, showing the object's geometric properties detected by the method described here. Clearly the accuracy of the method is heavily degraded on such frames where the object makes sudden movements leading...
    • Z.W. Wolf
      Trained pilots have crashed into the ground on calm days because they became disorientated, trained military crews of Aegis missile destroyers have shot down passenger aircraft because they made mistakes. Thomas Mantell chased a skyhook balloon...
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