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    • DavidB66
      This was at night (22.30) and he saw it (and not just the light) with his naked eyes? More likely with the 'eye of faith'.
    • DavidB66
      I yield to no-one in my suspicion of Putin's Russia, but do the new 'revelations' show anything specific about Russian use of directed energy weapons against US embassies, etc? If I understand it correctly, Russian intelligence agents have been...
    • DavidB66
      Re rudders: I thought I read somewhere that rudders (or equivalent devices such as steering oars) don't work at all if a boat is just drifting with the current. They need water to be flowing over them. But I guess if the power cuts out on a...
    • DavidB66
      I noticed a few people mentioning the following on Twitter/X. A video of the disaster aftermath appears to show two birds (not seagulls!) flying in front of the wrecked bridge but simply disappearing in mid air. Note that the whole bodies of...
    • DavidB66
      It's not a scientific or academic paper intended for peer review. It's simplified report to congress about old cases (some for the third of forth time) and claims of a secret UFO retrieval and reverse engineering program. What exactly are you...
    • DavidB66
      Things may have changed since I was in the UK civil service, but in those days security classifications, going upwards from 'Restricted' to 'Top Secret', were supposed to be based on consideration of the national interest , not (e.g.) commercial...
    • DavidB66
      'huge public interest' is an ambiguous phrase. It may mean something that is of great importance to the public, but not necessarily that many people know or care about (say, the details of corporate law), or it may mean something that a lot of...
    • DavidB66
      There is a longish (3/4 page) report in yesterday's (UK) Times ( paywalled). Fairly straightforward account of the report, plus some quotes from Sean Kirkpatrick and Tim Phillips, the new (acting) director of AARO. I'm not sure if Phillips's...
    • DavidB66
      Sorry - I made a double error. Your post said I entered the 105.3 meters altitude into the calculator (which gives refracted horizon of 39.56 km) but somehow I had a 'senior moment' and put 53 m for the altitude in my post. You are right...
    • DavidB66
      Just to point out that if the altitude of the camera is 53 meters above ground, the horizon would be about 40 km away. It doesn't look to me like there is 45 km of dry land in view, so anything beyond it has to be water. But I'm not experienced...
    • DavidB66
      DavidB66 replied to the thread David Falch - Blue Angel.
      I think this issue has come up before, in some context or other. It's a tricky point. The perceived brightness of a point source of light (whether reflected or radiated) does diminish with the square of the distance from the observer, which is...
    • DavidB66
      Well, it wasn't exactly an elephant, but I recall there was some similar trickery at Troy!
    • DavidB66
      The people's heads, presumably uncovered, are also darker than the bodies.
    • DavidB66
      In isolation, that 'letter g' looks to me more like the number 9 (or 6). We do after all call them Arabic numerals! The number might be part of a birthday balloon assembly. Though I must say I don't see the symbol as clearly as Deirdre does.
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