"Chemtrails" and "Scalar waves"...



This video is from someone with his own YouTube following, minions who hang on his every word for science. It's contains everything "chemtrails" or "scalar activity". Really any video he does is a classic show of ignorance on just about any atmospheric conspiracy. He's the king of Bunk. He even does slo-mo and time lapse, including the audio. Clouds appearing out of thin air! He even says "This is the perfect 'chemtrail' video."
And that's just his latest. He also knows it's not normal for the sun to come up in a different place and at a different time every single day. Or that the moon at the horizon is actually larger than when it's higher up.
Thought you all might enjoy this, in the way only debunkers can.
Yes, it's a silly video, and a little sad that he seems to take it seriously.

However, I personally would avoid putting such videos up for mockery, even the gentle mockery above. I want to avoid an adversarial relationship, because mocking people (or mocking similar people) is just going to build walls.

What should a debunker do with such a video? Consider that teenagers make up a lot of sites like ATS (See the "my mom is brainwashed" thread). They don't know science. They have never considered the issue of where clouds come from. They see what looks to them like a reasonable video being mocked, and they simply feel attacked, like teenagers do.
Yes, it's a silly video, and a little sad that he seems to take it seriously.

Consider that teenagers make up a lot of sites like ATS... (See .

This guy is 36 or 37. Not a teenager at all. And taking it seriously is what he does to the nth degree.
Sorry if I came across as flippant, but adversarial is the only name for a relationship with this guy. By his choice. It's what he is known for, all over the web.
Well in that case...

Let me clarify a bit. Obviously I'm quite strident in my criticism of several people who post videos, people like MJM, Clifford Carnicom,or aircrap.org, - because they put themselves out there as public figures, and are trying to sell something. At the other extreme, I don't like making fun of individuals who are essentially just posting a personal opinion, or who obviously mentally ill, or highly delusional. I mean, what does it gain us to poke fun at dbootsthediva when her opinions are so far out there it obvious to anyone she's mistaken.

Still, there's certainly middle ground as well. But patrioticspace is not too far from dboots. Any halfway rational person can see it's silly. Any non-rational person might just see attacks.

Hard to judge. I'm certainly no expert, but personally I try to tend towards a "polite, show-don't-tell" approach. YMMV.